One of the most respected organizations in Westchester that you can make a contribution to this Holiday Season is Toys for Tots Westchester. Collection boxes for Toys for Tots Westchester can be found all over but there are other ways that you can make a donation.
We spoke to Westchester coordinator for Toys for Tots, Steve Topilnycky who told us “We have kicked off our campaign, we have boxes throughout the County. We are on track to service over 33,175+ Children this year, that is up from the 25,131 children from last year. With such a large number of children, we need people to fill our collection boxes. As many American families are struggling to make ends meet, and many parents will be unable to provide even a single gift for their children this Christmas — without help from Toys for Tots! Please find it in your heart to make a gift to make sure Santa visits every child this Christmas, no matter their circumstances.”
“We also accept monetary donations. Checks Payable to: “Toys for Tots”, and mail to: Toys for Tots PO Box 1207 White Plains, NY 10602-1207. You can also donate via credit card online at http://tiny.cc/_dnt (it’s a shortlink to the Foundation donation page for the Westchester County Campaign).
We have a wish list at Learning Express Scarsdale http://tiny.cc/_le, and Amazon http://tiny.cc/_amzn.
Visit -westchester-county-ny.toysfortots.org or their Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/T4TWestchester, to find locations and donation links.
The Marine Toys for Tots is a Top-Rated Charity. We are an all Volunteers, no donated funds are used to pay any salaries (Foundation staff are paid from an endowment). We are a 501(c)3 Charitable organization and donations are dedicated for tax purposes.
We have volunteer opportunities. We are using Signup.com if anyone is interested at this link-https://signup.com/go/YkxNfww.