Harrison to Host Monthly Community Coffee & Conversations

L-R-Lily Neuman, Director of Community Outreach and Prevention at Maxwell Institute/Division of St. Vincent’s Westchester. Assemblyman Chris Burdick, State Senator Shelley Mayer, Harrison Mayor Richard Dionisio, all holding Narcan.

The Town/Village of Harrison recently held its first event aimed at bringing the community together to discuss topics of concern. On Spetember 21, the topic was “Drugs, Alcohol and Addiction.”

The conversation was led by Dr. Christopher Aloezos, and Eliza Zimmerer, LMSW, MPH.  Attendees learned the concept of addiction as a disease and reasons young people may engage in substance abuse behavior.

Additionally, attendees learned how to explore the environment of a teenager and learn to spot signs of possible substance use and risky behavior- a training knows as “Hidden in Plain Site: as well as Narcan training by Lily Neuman Director of Community Outreach and Prevention Education.

The event was well attended and very well received. The target audience was parents, and local law makers; NYS Senator Shelley Mayer, NYS Assemblyman 93rd District Chris Burdick and Harrison Mayor Richard Dionisio, were also in attendance.

The next Community Coffee is Tuesday October 17th 10am at the Harrison Meadows Country Club. The topic is “Social Media” ; the advancement in technology and it relates to our children’s mental wellness and safety.