Another Westchester Republican Leaves the Political Stage

Harrison Mayor-Supervisor Ron Belmont told the members of the Harrison Republican Party on Jan. 26 that he will not be seeking another term. Belmont, who served for decades at the Harrison Recreation Commissioner, defeated Mayor Joan Walsh in 2011, and has served as Mayor-Supervisor since 2012.
First let us thanks Mayor Belmont for his service to the people of Harrison. His work with so many in the recreation department gave him the experience, and interactions with so many residents and taxpayers to continue his service as Supervisor.
Belmont was a trusted and honest public servant, and he leaves office with the same admiration. The only knock on Belmont was that he had earned a pension and wanted to continue serving. The people of Harrison made the final determination on that and re-elected him five time.
Belmont is one of only three remaining local republican leaders in their Westchester communities, and his departure opens up the possibility that Harrison democrats could take control of Town Hall.
Harrison Councilman Rich Dionisio will be running for Mayor and will have two women running for town council on the ticket, along with Jackie Greer running for Town Clerk and Mike Gigardano running again for receiver of taxes.
Belmont was a registered Independent for a long time before switching to republican, where he led the ticket in Harrison, the Belmont Team for a decade.
Democrat Councilman Frank Gordon, who ran against Belmont two years ago, is the leading democrat rumored to be reading to run again.
Belmont’s departure from the political stage in Westchester adds to the continued decline and troubles for county republicans, who don’t have a candidate for County Executive, had their candidate for DA drop out last year, and don’t have 1 member on the County Board of Legislators. The 16-1 supermajority that democrats hold includes Legislator Margaret Cunzio, a conservative.
Eastchester Supervisor Tony Colavita and Yorktown Supervisor Matt Slater are the two remaining Westchester republicans leaders in office.