The Jewish holiday of Chanukah, the Festival of Lights, starts this year at sundown on Sunday, Novemer 28,
The Lubavitcher Rebbe wrote regarding Chanukah and religious freedom in our United States of America:
“The Chanukah Lights remind us in a most obvious way that illumination begins at home, within oneself and one’s family, by increasing and intensifying the light of the Torah and Mitzvos in the everyday experience, even as the Chanukah Lights are kindled in growing numbers from day to day. But though it begins at home, it does not stop there. Such is the nature of light that when one kindles a light for one’s own benefit, it benefits also all who are in the vicinity. Indeed, the Chanukah Lights are expressly meant to illuminate the “outside,” symbolically alluding to the duty to bring light also to those who, for one reason or another, still walk in darkness.What is true of the individual is true of a nation, especially this great United States, united under G‑d, and generously blessed by G‑d with material as well as spiritual riches. It is surely the duty and privilege of this Nation to promote all the forces of light both at home and abroad, and in a steadily growing measure.Let us pray that the message of the Chanukah Lights will illuminate the everyday life of everyone personally, and of the society at large, for a brighter life in every respect, both materially and spiritually.With esteem and blessing in the spirit of Chanukah,” [Signed] Rabbi Menachem Schneerson”
At Chabad of Yonkers, we take seriously this message to spread the light and joy of Chanukah to all corners of Yonkers, through the numerous Chanukah events planned for the public to enjoy and to participate.
Sunday, November 28th, 4:00pm, First night of Chanukah
Exciting Menorah Lighting & Gelt Drop @ Ridge Hill, lighting first light
1 Ridge Hill Blvd. Yonkers, NY
Located in the Town square opposite the Apple store.
Menorah Lightning, Craft, Exciting Chocolate Gelt Drop, Donuts, live music with the Mr. Shabbos Band!Actual lighting will be @ 4:15 pm
Monday, November 29th, 6:00pm,
Grand Menorah Lightning @ Cross County Shopping Center,
8000 Mall Walk, Yonkers, NY 10704 (located near Bebe & Adidas stores)
Chocolate Gelt, Donuts. Live Music with the What’s Up band! Large crowd. Lighting second light
Wednesday, December 1Lighting three lights First event is *4:00pm Menorah Lighting @ Boyce Thompson Center
1084-1088, N Broadway, YonkersGiant Menorah Lighting, Donuts and Chocolate Gelt
Then Rabbi Mendy and others go to
*5:00pm Chanukah Party and Menorah Lightning at the Mayor’s Office 40 S Broadway # 200, Yonkers, NY
Join Mayor Mike Spano as he Celebrates Chanukah at City Hall with a special Menorah lighting and Chanukah treats.
People then line up their cars for
*6:00 pm Menorah car Parade
Cars with Menorah’s mounted on top, will be leaving City Hall at 6pm, driving through the streets of Yonkers with a police escort , spreading the light and joy of Chanukah throughout Yonkers, ending at Mahia distillerywith a Pizza party.Limited Car Menorah’s available, RSVP Rabbi@ JewishYonkers.com
Untermyer Park Menorah Lighting Sunday December 5th, 4:15pm
945 N. Broadway, Yonkers, NY
by the Temple Area. All 8 lights lit.
It’s a Majestic sight to be seen.
A tall grand menorah being lit with a magnificent view of the Hudson River. Donuts & Chocolate Gelt