Dr. Sandor Szabo
On Tuesday, October 31 at 4:00pm, Dr. Sandor Szabo, acclaimed concert organist will perform an organ concert featuring a spooky selection of well-known organ music such as Toccata and Fugue by Bach, Dance Macabre by Saint-Seans,excerpts from Peer Gynt Suite by Grieg, The Flight of a Bumble Bee, by Rimsky-Korsakov, Ride of Valkyre, Wagner, Fugue on “Pink Panther” by Bovet and Suite Gothique by Boellman at the Sacred Heart Church, 417 Broadway, Dobbs Ferry NY. Come in costume and enjoy this festive music family friendly event.
Dr. Sándor Szabó is actively engaged as pianist, conductor, organist, and harpsichordist throughout Europe, Asia, Canada and the United States has established his reputation by highly colorful and varied concert programing. He is the Music Director, Choirmaster and Principal Organist at Sacred Heart Church and Our Lady of Pompeii parish in Dobbs ferry.