From Greenburgh Supervisor Paul Feiner:
Very exciting news. Greenburgh, a community that celebrates our diversity, is excited to announce the opening of a new Hindu Temple which will join other places of worship in our town. I will officially welcome the congregants around noon on Monday, January 1. The Greenburgh Hindu community has contributed to the prosperity of our town. It is important that we encourage our Hindu neighbors to enjoy their culture and religious activity under a roof of this new temple. The temple highlights what a welcoming community Greenburgh is.
Durga Temple is proud to celebrate a grand opening of a new Hindu Temple in the Town of Greenburgh at 1880 Saw Mill River Road on January 1, 2024. The temple will be dedicated to reinforcing Hindu way of life, which emphasizes: non violence, equality, respects diversity and compassion to all living beings.”
The Hindu community in Westchester County has witnessed substantial growth over the past two decades. According to the latest census data, It has emerged as the largest subgroup within the Asian American community, approximately 5 percent of the entire Westchester population and possibly even more within the town of Greenburgh.
Notably active in community engagement, the Hindu community’s vibrancy was evident during a Diwali event held at the county executive office, where representatives from at least 20 community organizations were present. Greenburgh, in particular, stands out as a hub for Hindu celebrations, hosting a variety of festivals throughout the year, with Holi and Diwali being the most prominent. Additionally, two towns within Greenburgh, namely Edgemont and Ardsley, have officially recognized Diwali in their schools.
“The strategically positioned Durga Temple is notjust a place of worship; it’s a symbol of unity and cultural richness for both the Hindu and wider communities in Westchester County,” writes PAUL FEINER, Greenburgh Town Supervisor.