By Eric Wolf Schoen
There is always someone special in every family that holds the family together in good times and bad times. This week we Lost my Aunt Shirley who I was very fond of at the ripe young age of 96. She died of natural causes.
Until her death she served as the matriarch of our family. Dad had 3 brothers, each with a wife and two children. Dad and his brothers all died young, and in Shirley’s case her husband passed at a very young age. Shirley’s boys were in high school when her husband, my uncle Harry passed. She kept the family together in time of sorrow.
I always enjoyed visiting Aunt Shirley in her Bronx apartment house. She would always offer me food like a good Jewish aunt never allowing me to say no. We would always have an enjoyable day when we spent it with Shirley and the boys.
When her husband was alive, Shirley and Harry always had a habit of calling to talk to my parents when we were on our way out, particularly when we were heading to Temple on Friday night at 8:00 p.m. My dad would take the time however brief to talk to his brother, and make plans to continue the conversation later.
Shirley was the major provider for her family after her husband’s early death. She went above and beyond with her sons. When one took seriously ill she stayed with him at his Lincoln Center apartment 24 hour a day, 7 days a week. As Shirley got older, the son reciprocated by providing 24 hour care to his mother. You don’t see that in many families.
Goodbye sweet Aunt Shirley. Always a smile and a warm welcome. You will be missed.
Primary Day is Tuesday June 27
Journal News featuring extensive articles on how Mayor Spano raised over a half a Million dollars for his reelection bid. Much of the money was raised by companies with business before the city. To the winners go the spoils. You can have your say by voting in the Primary with early voting this weekend.
People moan and groan about candidates with large war chests or who get large amounts of money in particular from those who do business with the city. You don’t like it? Make sure you vote on Primary Day.
Voting costs nothing, is easy to do and allows everyone to have their say in what is going on in the city. Don’t forget and if you do, don’t complain!
The Titanic
People pay a lot of money for excursions to see the remnants of the Titanic. This week one of the vessels operated by a private company has gone missing. The vessels are put together with flimsy materials.
We pray for the missing and hope that if people have extra bucks they spend it in better ways!
Make sure you swim in an area clearly marked where lifeguards are on duty. We have already had tragic accidents this year. And if you haven’t learned to do so yet, learn to swim. The county offers courses at its various pools. That’s how I learned to swim. Teacher Marge Bruno taught many people in Yonkers including this swimmer. She had a firm but gentle hand teaching the youngest to the oldest how to swim during the summer at Tibbetts.
And if you don’t know how to swim, stay in shallow water and make sure you swim with a buddy!
White House ‘pull your shirt down’ Ceremony
Shame on the person who during an LGBT ceremony took her shirt off. It took a long time to get LGBT people to be respected to be able to celebrate on the White House lawn. This ‘Tik Tok’ game player just spoils it for the majority who know how to behave. Fortunately her White House visit permit was taken away! Permanently!
Can you believe the person who slashed a dog in the face. How pathetic can someone be!
Social media has had a negative impact on kids. It is important that parents watch their children’s social media excursions and not have other kids use the device to belittle each other.
Transit knife arrests are up 60% in New York City. Wonder why people and businesses are leaving the city? And why people are afraid to take public transit!
Hunter Biden has taken a plea deal with prosecutors. Yes, if Donald had returned the documents in his possession he might have gotten a plea deal too without jail time.
I’m still waiting to hear all these tapes the Trump side and Biden side claim to have of each other. Release the dam tapes already, or for heavens sake stop talking about them.
I am impressed with Presidential candidate Tim Scott a conservative willing to work with the Democrats. Among all the White faces, it will be good to see a black face in the Republican debates.
Listen to Eric Schoen on the Westchester Rising Radio Show Thursday’s from 10-11 a.m. On WVOX 1460 AM, go to WVOX.com and click the arrow to listen to the live stream or download the WVOX app from the App Store free of charge. Reach him at thistooisyonkers@aol.com.