Mayor Mike Spano, Gold Star Mothers Hope Hollinsworth-Coaxum and Alma Sullivan, Council Minority Leader Mike Breen, Council President Mike Khader and Deputy County Executive Ken
Jenkins at Yonkers’ Gold Star Mothers Monument. Photo by Donna Davis
In honor of Gold Star Mother’s Day, Sept. 30, the City of Yonkers held a ceremony at the Gold Star Mother’s monument at Van der Donck Park in the downtown-waterfront.
Gold Star Mother’s Day is observed to recognize and honor those who have lost a son or daughter in the service of the U.S. armed forces.
Lou Navarro, Yonkers director of veterans services welcomed those assembled, and Melvina Carter offered a prayer. The Yonkers Police Honor Guard presented the colors; Harold Dworetzky, chairman of the Central Committee, led the pledge of Allegiance; and Kaira Hasse sang our national anthem.
Mayor Mike Spano, and Hope Hollinsworth-Coaxum, president of Gold Star Mother’s Yonkers, gave remarks. All of the Gold Star Mothers in attendance were presented with flowers and the YPD Honor Guard gave a gun salute and played “Taps.”
The Gold Star is presented to mothers who have lost a son or daughter in service and comes from the story of Michael the Archangel, who flew from the Heavens toward the Earth to comfort a mother who had lost her son.
He took from his side what was given to him from God. He opened his hand and offered her the Gold Star.
“There be no greater love than that for a child. I send to you this golden star, for it was created from the Heavens. And let it be a reminder that on Heaven and on Earth no one shall let the memories of heroes diminish or be forgotten.”
The Yonkers Gold Star Memorial is located across from the Yonkers train station at the foot of Van der Donck park.