God Forgive Me

By Eric Wolf Schoen

During Rosh Hashanah which we celebrated last week, Jews asked God  for forgiveness for their mistakes in the past year. The holiday commemorates the completion of God’s creation of the world.

Jews resolve not to repeat their mistakes in the coming year. The holiday also marks the beginning of the Days of Awe which last for 10 days 

The last day of this 10 day period is Yom Kippur , the Day of Atonement. This is a day Jews atone for their sins. It starts tonight at Sundown and is over tomorrow when the sun sets. The day is marked by fasting and continuous prayers of repentance in the Synagogue.  

Last year certainly was a rough year for me health wise.  I pray  for better health this year. The year ended with a bang with a week’s hospitalization caused by Parkinson’s freeze and Parkinson’s cough. Two things I was not expecting and never heard of before. The freeze is when your whole body is in spasm and you can’t move, The cough is is when all off a sudden you develop this cough that causes extreme back pain. Neither is fun  but when you have never heard of them before can be a little frightening. 

Luckily I have excellent doctors treating me ‘orthopedically’ and  ‘neurologically, but it’s all new to Me. I have excellent medical care, but several times over the last few months I have asked the. Question, ‘Why me? What did I do the be in so much pain at times I simply want to cry or get back under the covers. And my perennial question, ‘When is what I am  going through going to  get better? 

Sadly no one can answer these questions. After 64 years everything is catching up with me. Ten years ago the doctors prognosis’s of correcting my scoliosis was not good. Now with Parkinson’s it is no better. 

I don’t enjoy using a walker but sometimes I must. And yes the getting up in the morning not  knowing how I am going to feel is no fun. 

I will have to make major surgical decisions in the weeks ahead, and probably be out of commission for several months. I have an MBA, A BA, am a Paralegal and have an extensive plate of work ahead of me. Being out of Commission will be no fun. And the risks of complication from surgery on my neck and back is very great. 

There really is nothing one can do but pray that the interventions will be successful. And hope that God is on my side. That he has forgiven me for anything bad I did this year.

So if I miss a week in these newspapers, I apologize In advance. I have been blessed to be surgery free for 64 years. If I don’t have the surgery I need now, who knows what the future will bring. 

People talk about insurance and I am grateful I have a good plan that will take care of most of the costs. The problem is when it comes to the neck and back, progress has been slow. And sadly the risks have not gotten any better.

I know many of you are battling difficult health situations. I just had a relative in the Hospital who to stay alive must titrate the medicines she takes daily. One mistake And yes Houston we have a problem. 

I’ll pray for you and all I ask is that you do is pray for me and VOTE! Voting is your obligation. You might be disenchanted with the candidates, but refusal to use is not the answer. It’s your right and obligation. If you don’t vote we will continue to have what’s going on in the world today,  much of what is not to our liking. 

To all my friends Jewish and non-Jewish a year filled only with good things. As always, thanks for your support and prayers not only for me but for all those who are suffering.

 God, forgive me. I promise to do better in the new year! 

Reach Eric Schoen at thistooisyonkers@aol.com, or friend him on Facebook Eric Schoen…just look for him in the picture with Joan Rivers!