Girl Scouts Heart of the Hudson, Inc. (GSHH) and Girl Scouts of the USA (GSUSA) are encouraging all of us to invest in girl leaders of today and the future by purchasing Girl Scout Cookies. GSHH is offering a number of online, contact-free sales options this year to keep girls and their customers safe during the COVID-19 pandemic while still teaching girls valuable entrepreneurship skills and helping local troops thrive.
This season, both the organization and our innovative girls are offering a number of ways consumers can still purchase Girl Scout Cookies in socially distant and contact-free ways:
• Many Girl Scouts have creatively changed their sales methods in light of COVID-19, from running virtual cookie booths, drive-through cookie booths, promoting their digital shop links on social media, and marketing their business with door hangers. If you know a Girl Scout, reach out to her to find out how she is selling cookies in ways that meet local and state safety protocols.
• Consumers who don’t already know a Girl Scout can visit www.girlscoutcookies.org, text COOKIES to 59618*, or download the free Girl Scout Cookie Finder app for iOS and Android to purchase from a local troop for direct shipment to their door or donation to local causes. 57% of consumers report that they are shopping online more than they did prior to the coronavirus outbreak, and this additional contact-free method enables people in Westchester, to invest in girls while keeping girls’ safety and skill building top of mind. Through managing sales via the Digital Cookie platform, Girl Scouts are growing their businesses online while staying safe and learning skills such as goal setting, decision making, and money management.
• Girl Scouts Heart of the Hudson is participating in a national collaboration with food ordering and delivery platform Grubhub so girls have an additional way to facilitate contact-free cookie orders. Consumers can order Girl Scout Cookies for pickup or delivery on Grubhub.com or the Grubhub app.
As always, the proceeds benefit the troop and council while providing another innovative way to safely run the cookie program virtually. GSUSA is grateful to Grubhub for waiving all fees for the organization to make this new delivery option feasible for sales without reducing troops’ and councils’ proceeds. Hours and delivery area for GrubHub orders will vary, check GrubHub.com or the GrubHub app for details.
Cookie customers not only can create joy for themselves during this difficult time by purchasing Thin Mints®, Samoas®, and other favorites—they can also create joy for military troops serving overseas through GSHH’s Operation Cookie Drop. And the earnings stay local: girls decide how to allocate their portion of the earnings for community projects, leadership opportunities, and exciting experiences. Our council depends on its earnings to run Girl Scout programming throughout the Hudson Valley.
If you don’t already know a Girl Scout, visit www.girlscoutcookies.org to purchase cookies online from a local troop for direct shipment or donation to local organizations.] Girl Scout Cookie season in Girl Scouts Heart of the Hudson runs through March 16, 2021. To volunteer, reconnect, donate, or join, visit www.girlscouts.org.