This too is Yonkers-by Eric Schoen
I don’t know about you but I am over this government shutdown and talk about building a wall. As I said last week, it’s going to take workers from at least one federal agency, let’s say Transportation Safety Administration (TSA) workers to stop work and shut down aviation for this mess to end.
The TSA workers are the people responsible for airport screening and security. If they walk off the job (or at least threaten to) aviation will come to a screeching halt as will the economy. IRS workers have been called back (without pay) to process tax returns and there is talk that many of them will not return. Employees at agencies responsible for our nation’s security have issued a report of how the shutdown is affecting important investigations.,
Now I know that it is illegal for federal employees to refuse to come to work once ordered. And I certainly don’t like talking about ways to shut down the government. But it’s also unethical to ask employees to work and not pay them. They don’t get paid they can’t pay the rent, mortgage or put food on the table for their families.
Remember that these furloughed workers are not making $174,000 a year like Members of Congress and Senators make. They are not making $223,500 as Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi does. And they are not making $400,000 like President Trump. Many of them are making $15 an hour, and live paycheck to paycheck. It makes matters worse when some folks say, ‘Gee, despite the fact that 800,000 workers are not being paid and most not working, our government is still open for business and life goes on.’
And I frankly don’t care where President Trump gives his State of the Union speech or if trips by Congresspersons and Senators are cancelled. Do you?
I give credit to our cultural institutions who have opened their doors to furloughed employees and their families. For a few hours they can relax and take their minds off their troubles. The Metropolitan Opera giving free tickets to their performances. The Broadway musical ‘Beautiful’ about the life and career of Carole King. The Seattle Opera giving free tickets to Il Trovatore . Institutions large and small are trying to make life better for those not receiving their paychecks.
Isn’t it wonderful that in times of trouble we can always rely on our cultural institutions to do their part to make things better. Let’s not forget the food banks and soup kitchens, already stretched by those in need that are doing their part to provide food for those not receiving paychecks.
In the greatest country in the world it’s pathetic that we can have the situation that currently exists. I hope that by the time you read this that government shutdown is over. If it goes on until the end of this week workers will miss another paycheck. And let’s not forget the government contractors, people like those who clean government office buildings who will never make up the money they lost.
And let’s not forget the people in Washington who are causing this mess when we go to the ballot box in November!
Bit(coins) and Pieces
-What’s up with the Bitcoin ATM at the Argonaut Diner in Yonkers? Have you seen one of these anywhere else? Big sign out front saying that one exists inside. The value of Bitcoins has gone down drastically which makes the existence of this machine even more intriguing. I guess together with a hot bowl of their delicious oatmeal on a cold wintry day you can learn about Bitcoins. Maybe the folks at the Argonaut know something we don’t know?
-What sick individual would steal money from the girls selling Girl Scout cookies at the Woodbridge Mall in New Jersey? Girl Scouts don’t go door to door for safety reasons and must rely on sales to friends and family, known neighbor’s and at drives at malls and shopping centers. Apparently the girls and their chaperones turned their heads for a minute and someone stole the money envelope with cash and checks. How sad!
Which reminds me, make sure you pick up a box of cookies or two when you see Scouts selling at the Mall or if your friendly coworkers daughter is selling them. It’s so important that girls and boys learn business skills. If you are dieting and don’t want to eat them have the Girl Scouts send them to our troops abroad. But be honest, what’s better than Thin Mints out of the freezer with a glass of ice cold milk? Or putting a Caramel deLite on your pinky finger and nibbling around until it’s all gone.
-Kudos to our Elected officials in Albany under the leadership of our own Andrea Stewart Cousins and Assemblyman Carl Heastie for finally approving changes to the archaic New York voting laws. Come this November you will be able to vote early and not stand in long lines like many of our neighbor’s are forced to. 37 states currently afford voters the opportunity to vote early. Voting by mail and same day registration will take effect upon voter approval. Long overdue but finally her Here!
-If the people of Long Island City don’t want Amazon, the people of Yonkers and Westchester clearly do! Amazon means good paying jobs for New Yorkers!
Reach Eric Schoen at thistooisyonkers@aol.com. Follow him on Twitter @ericyonkers. Listen to Eric Schoen and Dan Murphy on the Westchester Rising Radio Show Thursday’s from 10-11 a.m. On WVOX 1460 AM or download the SIMPLE RADIO app for free from the APP STORE.