By Thomas J. Stefanchik
If you’ve ever wanted to enter the fields of Culinary Arts, Baking, Carpentry or Retail/Business, or to enhance your computer skills, you can now get a start on your career FREE OF CHARGE. Pathways to Success, the Adult Education Program of the Yonkers Public Schools, will once again be offering free classes in all of these fields to Yonkers residents, 18 years of age and older. Classes will be held online and at the Vive School, 75 Riverdale Avenue.
The Culinary Arts Program offers training in front and back-of-the-house food service operations, provided by Award-Winning Chef and Owner Edi Dedi. The course is taught online with extensive “hands-on” demonstration. Students who successfully complete the program have the opportunity to earn their ServSafe Certificate, an industry-recognized credential.
The Baking Program, also delivered online, provides instruction in the preparation of delicious baked goods, including biscuits, cookies, tarts and much more. Holiday themes are incorporated into the program.
The Retail/Business Program encompasses various aspects of business, including Entrepreneurship, Financial Literacy, E-commerce, Material Handling and more. Students who successfully complete the program have the opportunity to earn various industry-recognized certificates, including Material Handling and National Retail Federation.
Carpentry is taught through “hands-on” learning at the Vive School’s Carpentry Lab. Students work on various projects using industry-grade tools and materials.
Computer skills are vital in today’s workplace, and the Pathways to Success Microcomputer Operations Program can provide you with training in the most widely used Microsoft Office applications. Students who successfully complete this program have the opportunity to earn Microsoft Certificates in Word, Excel and PowerPoint.
Currently celebrating its thirteenth year, Pathways to Success offers a wide range of educational programs, including English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL), Adult Basic Education (ABE), and high school equivalency diploma preparation via the TASC (formerly the GED) or the National External Diploma Program (NEDP). In addition, Pathways to Success is an official testing site for the New York State TASC Exam.
In order to further assist students in finding a job, Pathways to Success offers professional job readiness classes, resume preparation, interviewing skills training, assistance with online job applications and other employment services.
Pathways to success offers additional support services through the Family Welcome Center, where individuals and families are connected with the community resources necessary to meet their goals, and to help their children succeed in school. The Family Welcome Center coordinates referrals with numerous partner organizations in order to provide for such needs as health care, housing, insurance, immigration/citizenship assistance and more.
Throughout its many years of serving the community, Pathways to Success has served tens of thousands of Yonkers residents, as overseen by Superintendent of Schools Dr. Edwin M. Quezada and Principal of Career & Technical/Adult Education for the District, Sanah Susan Naber.
For more information on Pathways to Success, please visit the Vive School at 75 Riverdale Avenue, Yonkers, NY 10701. You can also call the school at 914-376-8600, Monday through Friday, between the hours of 8:30 am and 3:30 pm, or visit their website at yonkerspublicschools.org/vive.