stories against current Commissioner John Mueller
By Dan Murphy
“Say It Ain’t So Chuck” is the response from some of our readers to the fact that former Yonkers Police Commissioner Charles Gardner was named as a source by Hezi Aris for his Blue Truth series of columns which defamed the current Police Commissioner John Mueller, and PBA President Det. Keith Olson.
Our story, “Judge Rules That Online Blogger Hezi Aris -Yonkers Tribune is NOT a Journalist,”which ran in the July 16 issue and which can be found online at YonkersTimes.com, has been the talk of Yonkers.
We received a dozen emails and letters about the story, most of which focused on the fact that Aris, in court papers, revealed that former Police Commissioner Gardner was one of his two primary sources for the Yonkers Tribune’s series of stories ironically titled Blue Truth. In fact, most of the Blue Truth stories were not true, as Aris also had to admit in court papers that he had no sources for some of the most harmful stories to the reputations of both Mueller and Olson.
One letter titled, “Say it Ain’s So Gardner, Yonkers resident Gene Tierney writes, “Mr. Murphy, I am a reader of your newspapers, and all media in Yonkers and across Westchester County. I knew that Mr. Aris was being sued by three Yonkers Police officers for defamation, from the story that you wrote last year. And, as a reader of the Yonkers Tribune over the years, includng the Blue Trush series of stories, I was actually not surprised to hear that Aris is in legal troubles, because I did not believe some of the Blue Truth stories that I was reading. But what did surprise me and actually shock me, was that former Yonkers Police Commissioner Charles Gardner was named by Aris as one of his sources for the anti-police columns that he wrote. I actually doubted the story that you wrote, Mr. Murphy, so I contacted some of my friends in Yonkers law enforcement, who verified this fact.
“Now I want to know how far did Gardner go in trying to ruin the careers of two of his fellow police officers in Yonkers? Did he confirm some of the stories that Aris has now admitted were not true? Has Gardner been called in for a deposition in this case? I’m sure that he is hiding under a rock after this fact was revealed. My friends in Yonkers law enforcement told me that he is now considered ‘A Rat’ by his fellow members of the YPD.
“Back in 1919, after members of the Chicago White Sox were found guilty of throwing the World Series, a lilttle boy went up to Shoeless Joe Jackson and said, Say it Ain’t So Joe! I would have to add Say it Ain’t So Chuck! Why did you try to ruin the careers of two leaders in the Yonkers Police Dept.? One of who is now Commissioner?”
-Gene Tierney, Yonkers
Another one of our readers wanted more facts about Gardner. “Your story about Hezi being sued for defamation does not include enough facts about former Commissioner Gardner. I would like to see the proof that he indeed was a source for the Blue Truth stories written against Commissioner Mueller and Det. Olson, thanks Kathy Quinn, Yonkers.”
Ms. Quinn, thanks for your letter and thanks for reading. I can refer you to court documents concerning this case, which can be read online or at the county courthouse. One document, titled, Defenadants responses to Moran’s Discovery Demands, item #34-reads “Former Police Commissioner Gardner so reported to Mr. Aris but did not share with him documents.”
In another document, titled, Defendants Responses to Mueller Demands, item #8-“Defendants have communicated with Ray Montero, former Police Chief Gardner and Kenneth Davis.” There are several other instances in court documents which reference Gardner as a source.
A few City Hall insiders were shocked that Gardner would betray his fellow officers in blue. “At first I didn’t believe it but I guess that Chuck is a wolf in sheeps clothing and he fooled us all. The question is why would he do this to Mueller and to Olson? He only had a few years left before he retired. Imagine the damage he did to these two and their famlies, to be accused of things that never happened. I guess Gardner lied to a lof of people and led a double life,” said one top Yonkers official.
Several of our readers have asked what was Gardner’s motive? “To Yonkers Rising, it has been out there for some time that Ray Montero clearly had an axe to grind against Mueller and Olson and that is why he was a source for Hezi and Blue Truth. But Gardner? Why would Gardner do such a stupid thing? Just like any Cop, and any criminal case–what’s the motive?” asked Katie Holmes. Some say it was for power, some say it was jealousy aimed at Mueller, who would replace him as Commissioner.
“It is irrefutable that Hezi Aris has admitted that former Yonkers Police Commissioner Charles Gardner was a frequent source for his “Blue Truth” stories. This comes as no surprise to those who’ve followed this series of defamatory articles, especially to those of us who’ve been unfairly targeted and harmed by them. I think it’s an understatement to say that Chuck Gardner and a few others owe the public an honest explanation of their roles in this fiasco,” said Det. Keith Olson, a defendant in the suit.
Some of the other claims posted online about this lawsuit claim that it is a “Slapp Suit,” that has no merit. To those I would ask them to read the decision from Judge Lefkowitz, most of which is printed in our story from last week. Judge Lefkowitz ruled in favor of the officers, and also ruled that Hezi Aris is not a journalist. She also permitted the suit to continue, and its headed towards damages aginst him., That is not a slapp-suit, but it is real trouble for Mr. Aris, and many in Yonkers are saying ITS ABOUT TIME!