Susan Siegel on special election night
Congratulations to Yorktown Democrat Susan Siegel, who won a special election to the Town Board on July 23. According to the Board of Elections, Siegel got 1,867 votes, 51%. Republican Donna Diana got 1,814 votes, 49%.
Siegel becomes the only democrat on the Yorktown Town Board. The special election was held when Ed Lachterman won a special election for Supervisor in April.
Siegel has been a Yorktown resident for more than 50 years. She served as Supervisor in 2010-11 and on the Town Board in 2015.
Siegel has stared a blog, which summarizes the issues before the Town Board. “This new blog resumes my meeting summaries, something I did from 2012 to December, 2020. Those summaries remain online at http://www.ciyinfo.org and provide an historical record of many town issues, some of which are still current today.
“The new summaries are uploaded to a different web site,
yorktownbettergovernmentorg.wordpress.com. The summaries can be accessed by
month and/or by board. The meeting summaries below are an example of what each meeting’s summary may contain. Residents who want more information about a specific are encouraged to view the meeting videos on the town’s web site,” said Siegel.