Faculty & Staff At Iona Take Part in Service Day

Over 150 faculty and staff from Iona Preparatory Lower and Upper Schools in New Rochelle took part in a Day of Service today throughout the region.  They gave back their time to various local charities and organizations where Iona Prep students serve throughout the year, such as washing transportation vehicles and packing puppy treats at Guiding Eyes for the Blind in Yorktown, helping organize the library at the Holocaust & Human Rights Education Center in White Plains, packing meals and engaging with service recipients at Cerebral Palsy of Westchester  in Rye Brook, and even helped a man find a suit at Hudson Link in Ossining for a job he is starting, while helping organize its clothing boutique.  

Iona Prep encourages its students and faculty to help everyone achieve a sense of belonging and know God’s love, and by reaching out with regular service projects, they try to accomplish this daily and encourage others.  What a way to inspire us all.