Facts Don’t Lie: A Ten-Year, Transformational Change in Yonkers Under Mayor Spano

L-R-City Council Majority Leader Tasha Diaz, new City Assessor Lynette Thomas- Braggs, City Council President Lakisha Collins-Bellamy and Mayor Mike Spano, photo by Maurice Mercado

By Dan Murphy

Facts don’t lie. And stats don’t lie either, and the statistical data from the past 10 years in the City of Yonkers show reductions in unemployment and crime, increased investment in real estate and development, and interest from corporate American to be a part of New York’s third largest City. Combined with an increase in population and continued improvement in education, there is good news to be told about in Yonkers, and just like the manager of a baseball team gets the credit for success, or blame for the failure, Yonkers Mayor Mike Spano is getting the credit for the City’s successes.

And that credit is coming from the mayor’s supporters, but also some of his critics, whose opinion of Spano has changed just as the opinion of the City of Yonkers as a good investment has changed on Wall Street, with many believing that Yonkers is about to embark on a “Generational Change,” of new jobs and opportunities for residents in all parts of the city.

The population in Yonkers has increased at a time when New York State’s population is shrinking, resulting in Yonkers now being NY’s third largest city. And while other cities have faced divisiveness and turmoil, Yonkers has seen a continued increase in diversity of its elected officials and employees at City Hall and the Board of Education. And improvements in education metrics for the 26,000 students in the Yonkers Public Schools continues to improve.

The one constant through these ten years is Mayor Mike Spano. In conversations with dozens of elected officials, party leaders, non-profits, and stakeholders, both the supporters of Mayor Spano and even his critics point to the same fact: Things have gotten better in Yonkers under Spano’s watch, and many are wondering what happens in two years when Spano leaves City Hall.

But first the data. The facts don’t lie:

Unemployment-was at 3.60% for Dec 2021 in Yonkers, and over the past 5 years, remained below 5%, until COVID, when unemployment figures spiked across the state and country. Yonkers remains below the State average unemployment rate, and below the other Big 5 Cities in NY; Rochester, Syracuse, Buffalo and New York City.

Crime: Several companies that compile crime data have named Yonkers one of the safest mid-sized cities over the past three years, 2019-2021. Vivint Home Security –named Yonkers as the 20th Safest community in 2021, based on crime data from the FBI and the US Census.

In 2019 and 2020, Yonkers was named the 9th Safest City of its size, (populations between 150,000 and 500,000) by WalletHub, and AdvisorSmith.

And crime data collected by state and federal law enforcement show that Shootings and Gun related crimes have decreased in Yonkers, over five years and since 2020.

In 2020 and 2021, the City of Rochester had 516 shootings. Buffalo had 514; Syracuse 245. Yonkers has had 45-gun related incidents in the same period. Shootings have decreased by 11% in Yonkers over the past five years, and as the data above shows, Yonkers is trending against other Cities in New York State that have seen gun crimes increase.

Development: The Big Three-MGM, Lionsgate and ?

While Yonkers has continued to see continued development of rental units, both market and affordable, three important development projects point to a realization from Wall Street and corporate American that investing in Yonkers makes good business sense.

MGM, Empire Casino awaits a decision by NY State to give them a full-scale gaming license, which would result in table games and a sports book at Yonkers Raceway. Once this decision happens, (those with knowledge say that it’s a matter of when and not if), MGM is ready to make a large investment and expansion of the 90+ acres that make up the Casino-Raceway property. Jobs, tax revenues, and business for the surrounding small businesses will result.

Lionsgate Studios decision to build a new studio in Yonkers and increase their investment from $100 Million to $500 Million was as one Yonkers stakeholder told us, “The light switch that really put Yonkers on the map. Not only is the half billion investment huge, but coming from a respected fortune 500 company like Lionsgate, all of Wall Street and the NYC development community woke up and realized, what have we missed in Yonkers?

The third transformational investment coming to Yonkers has not been finalized yet. But another large Movie studio is finalizing a purchase of a large piece of property, along the Hudson River, to build a TV-movie studio of their own. After the purchase is completed and the announcement is made, Yonkers can truly be called “Hollywood East,” and will be another catalyst for jobs investment and small business in the surrounding community.

Another fact is that Mayor Mike Spano has led the city of Yonkers over the past 10 years. Spano, and the Spano family, have their supporters and their detractors, but the reason for this story came from a prominent Yonkers democrat who is not necessarily a supporter of Mayor Spano but admitted that the progress seen in the city under his leadership is great.

So, we decided to reach out to many in Yonkers to get their view on the City’s progress and Mayor Spano. One unique Yonkers stakeholder is Rich Nightingale, CEO-of Westhab, a nonprofit that builds affordable housing, and provides social services. “When I get a cup of coffee in the morning and walk along the waterfront, from Avalon to Dominos Sugar, you can’t take that walk and not appreciate how far Yonkers has come.

“It always used to be if and when, but Yonkers is happening now, and you have to look at the guy in charge. I think Mayor Spano has brought Yonkers to this position, where the city is running and operating well. Nobody is picking on Yonkers anymore. In other places, it can be hard to do business. Yonkers is creating an environment to get things done, and that’s a big deal.

“Our work at Westhab is all about building affordable housing. We believe that a rising tide needs to lift all boats, and low- and moderate-income residents need to be included. Mayor Spano is a balanced person. He is Yonkers through and through. He has placed an emphasis on big investors and developers, but he is strategic and careful to bring a balanced approach and he cares about all of the residents.

“He knows that Yonkers needed a catalyst with big investors, but he hasn’t given up on building a balanced and equitable city. As a CEO of a nonprofit that helps residents in need, I see that other communities are not doing their share of affordable housing, and don’t provide a place to live for their workforce. Yonkers provides that balance.

“People know that Yonkers is happening, and Mayor Spano has been our biggest champion for affordable housing, while at the same time encouraging investment, Lionsgate, public art projects, and so much more. Yonkers is winning,” said Nightingale

City Council Majority Leader Tasha Diaz pointed to the diversity in both City government and in City Hall under Mayor Spano. “There is more diversity in City Hall because of Mayor Spano. From City Court judges, to the leadership on the City Council and the fact that we now have a majority of women of color on the city council. He stayed out of the council debate over Majority Leader, but since my election, he has been supportive of me and the changes that I have been making to my office.

“Most people in Yonkers know that the Mayor has done a good job over the past 10 years. Some are afraid to say that. I’m not. I think Yonkers is in a better position now then it was 10 years ago. He has done so much, just look at the record.”

One leader in the Yonkers Democratic Party told us, “The Mayor supports diversity in our elected officials. He helped elect the first African American female City Council President, and a majority of the City Council are now women of color. This happened under a Mayor named Spano, lets be honest and give him some credit for that. It’s not all just big development and business, but that the city is represented equally.”

Another Yonkers democrat said, “Mayor Spano picked up the ball and ran with it. He inherited a situation where there was nobody interested in making a major investment in our city, but never criticized the past, only looked to the future. It was like making an investment in the stock market when no one else was willing to invest. He had a vision and when he talks about the city its coming from a true believer. He wants to leave the city better off and makes decisions regardless of party affiliation.”

“He balances the needs of the city and has brought attention to a part of the city that people weren’t paying attention to. Now we have a transformational project that will provide a tax base and real jobs that will be here for generations. These are concrete results”

Yonkers Democratic Chair Tom Meier admitted, “I’m a fan of Mayor Spano and the work that he had done,” and joked, “He has been a friend, even when he was a republican. I think his success has come from the fact that he is a moderate and has a middle of the road record, and he has taken those principles to be a great mayor in so many ways.

“He has built a bridge with the city council, which has changed during his 10 years, but he has worked with everyone. He reached across the aisle and gets things done. There is no drama with Mayor Spano and the people of Yonkers like that. He loves the city and being Mayor and he is not resting on his laurels but continues to work. We are the 3rd largest City under Mayor Spano, and that fact proves that he must be doing something right. People like what they see.

“The city has become a more diverse City under his watch, and he has made sure that the leaders of the city look like what the city really is. I have seen it in his appointments and with the members of the City Council and City Court. That wouldn’t have happened without him,” said Meier.

A Yonkers republican told us, “Spano’s ability to work with the republicans on the city council have given the City’s 35% or republicans and conservatives a sense that their voice is still being heard. That’s important. There are some that, no matter what, are never happy. But they are becoming fewer and fewer.”

Yonkers PBA President Keith Olson said, “The numbers don’t lie. We have had a good run in Yonkers and in the Yonkers Police Department over the past 10 years. If we took a snapshot of where the city was 10 years ago and compared it to today, we are in a better place now.”

“We have a motivated police department and good leadership from City Hall and in our Police Department. Having cops with good morale and who want to go out and do their job is important. I think other neighboring communities should look to what we are doing in Yonkers.”

The next part of this story, and the question coming from many in Yonkers, is what happens in two years when Mayor Spano’s third term ends? Will the progress continue? Or will the city turn in another direction?