Emerson Resort: 12 Tips To De-Stress & Stay Calm

The Emerson Resort, Mt. Temper NY

By Co-Spa Directors Liz Zabel & Christina Burns

1.) Wake-Up Ritual

How you start your morning can determine how the rest of your day will go. Even though many folks are working from home and self-quarantining, it’s important to take 5 to 10 minutes to sit quietly and focus on your breathing. You’ll soon find this practice sets the tone for a clear and open mind each day.

2.) Morning Detox

Since the body is exposed to many toxins throughout the day, it helps to flush and detoxify your system at the start of your morning with tea or warm water with honey and lemon. A detox drink can help bring your body back into a healthy balance.

3.) Social Distance With a Walk Out in Nature

While health officials are encouraging social distancing, they are also recommending getting some fresh air. Whether by yourself or with your partner, enjoying a 15-minute walk during the day can help improve cardiac health, fatigue and tension. It’s important to give your mind and body a moment to itself.

4.) Eat Smart

With limited resources to be active, it’s important to balance your diet with wholesome and nutrient-filled snacks and meals that will keep you full throughout the day, helping to prevent indulging in the assortment of treats that may just be a couple feet away. Greek yogurt, legumes/beans, nuts and quinoa are just a few examples. However, don’t be too strict about having a few treats from time to time; everything in moderation.

5.) Spring Cleaning

Use this time at home to finally complete that spring cleaning you’ve been putting off. Organizing and cleaning out your closet and cabinets can help relieve stress and give you a sense of accomplishment.

6.) Treat Yourself With an At-Home Spa Day

It’s important to take care of yourself, both mentally and physically, and sometimes that means unplugging and treating yourself to your own at-home spa day. For a do-it-yourself spa experience, the Emerson Spa recommends taking the time to use a face mask, lighting aromatherapy candles, and putting on calming music such as instrumentals or nature-inspired melodies, to help unwind.

7.) Strike a Pose

To change your blood flow and re-direct pranic energy, lay on the floor for a few moments with your legs lifted over your head. This simple pose, “Legs Up The Wall,” will help relieve stress and spark the body’s inner ability to heal itself. Another pose you can try is “Forward Folding,” by positioning your head below your heart to help calm the nervous system. This practice only takes 5 minutes and can easily be done daily.

8.) Tap Into Your Artistic Side

Use this time at home to find a hobby you’ve always wanted to start or re-visit but haven’t had the time to. Whether that’s painting, writing, practicing yoga, knitting or spending more time with an instrument, there are plenty of fun ways to challenge the mind and allow for self-growth through a new or re-visited hobby.

9.) Digital Detox

As the COVID-19 news continues to break each day and amid ongoing social media chatter, many of us are guilty of spending too much time glued to a screen – whether it’s our smartphone, computer or television. While it’s important to stay informed about the ongoing news and changes, when spending time with friends, family or loved ones, it’s best to disconnect from your devices and be present in the moment for a bit. Doing so for just an hour or two can make a difference. Some fun and interactive activities you can do with a group include playing board games, cooking, and at-home workouts.

10.) Escape into Another World With a Book

While many might be quick to create a Netflix or Hulu show list to complete, picking up a new book will give you a digital break and allow you to escape into another world for a bit. Whether it’s before going to bed or in the middle of the day, reading a book will help settle the mind and body.

11.) Splish, Splash & Enjoy a Warm Bath

Sometimes a soothing bath ritual at home is just what the doctor ordered. Water therapies have long been used by spas as a means for relaxation. Many Emerson Spa therapies incorporate products and professional treatments by Comfort Zone. Take a warm bath with Comfort Zone’s Tranquility Oil to help achieve a quiet, peaceful mind and body.

12.) Plan a Future Vacation

As hundreds of trips and plans are being cancelled, it can cause distress and disappointment, but remind yourself that this is only temporary. Whether you’re looking to treat yourself or re-book something, discussing and planning a future trip with friends, family or even a solo trip can give you something to look forward to well after this pandemic is over. A future vacation can also be a perfect opportunity to reflect upon your personal resolutions and set the tone for future goals.

Visit emersonresort.com for more information.