Google Maps Photo of the Waverly Avenue Bridge in Mamaroneck
From the Town of Mamaroneck:
The NYSDOT has identified the Waverly Avenue Bridge as being structurally deficient. The Town, as the owner of the Bridge, is undertaking a $4.54 million project to replace the Bridge.
The Town’s contractor attempted to commence work by installing the necessary barricades at the Bridge. The Village has, without permission of the Town, removed the barricades demanding that the Town pay nearly $750,000 to the Village for police overtime for traffic control. The amount appears out of line and unjustified.
The Town recognizes the importance of traffic control in the affected area. We are attempting to resolve the situation; however, the Mamaroneck Village Manager has refused to attend meetings between the Town and Village. There is no one from the Village with authority to make the final decision who is attending the meetings.
The Town is attempting to resolve this issue expeditiously for the benefit of the community but needs cooperation from the Village to do so.
On October 18, the Village of Mamaroneck posted the following:
Yesterday, we received word from the Town of Mamaroneck, NY that the Waverley Avenue Bridge will be CLOSED beginning Friday, October 20th, at 10:00AM. This closure is necessary to facilitate the replacement of the bridge. Motorists should follow the posted detour utilizing Hoyt Avenue as an alternate route. Access to local businesses in the vicinity of the bridge will be maintained at all times. The duration of the Bridge Closure is currently expected to be 10 months. Motorists are urged to slow down and drive responsibly in work zones.
The Village of Mamaroneck wishes to thank our colleagues and partners at the Town of Mamaroneck, NY, who are solely responsible for the replacement of the bridge, for putting together an informational webpage on their website about the Waverley Avenue Bridge Replacement Project. We encourage you to visit www.bit.ly/WaverlyAvenueBridge for periodic updates as well as contact information for the Waverley Avenue Bridge Replacement Project.
The bridge was expected to open in the summer of 2024.
Sit down and figure it out folks. Or can someone higher up the food chain in elected office get them to figure this out?