But all of his TV intereview and cable appearances concerning his run for Senate in Pa., are on Fox News. And you can expect Dr. Oz to contine to exclusively make his appearances on Fox based on a recent interaction between Oz and CNN host Michael Smerconish.
The two ran into each other at a holiday party in Pennslyvania at a private home. Smerconish shared the details on his Sirius-XM show on Dec. 13.
‘I’d really like to get you on my program, and I will treat you with dignity and respect,’” Smerconish said.
‘I can’t possible do that because it would upset everybody at Fox. And I’ll come on your show after the primary.’” replied Dr. Oz. “The mission right now is to win the primary.”
SONY pictures announced that it will cancel the Dr. Oz’s TV show in Jan. 2022 because of his run for Senate. The last broadcast of his long running show will be Jan. 14.
Smerconish and his sidekick on his Sirius-XM show, TC, were saddened to hear that Oz wasn’t going to make the traditional rounds for his senate campaign, and travel the state and take questions and interview requests from across the media spectrum.
But for most of us, it is no surprise to hear that the republican candidate for U.S. Senate, made his first appearance on the Sean Hannity show on Fox and is continuing to be interviewed by Fox shows in the morning, noon and night.
What is surprising is that OZ said, and admitted as much to Smerconish. He could have answered with a “I’ll have my people get back with your people and try to make it happen.”