Recent comments by Melissa DeRosa, pictured above with Gov. Cuomo before he resigned, were critical of NY Democrats on crime
By Dan Murphy
Andrew Cuomo’s most trusted aide and advisor during his 11 years as Governor was Melissa DeRosa. And now, more than one year after Cuomo resigned, whenever DeRosa writes or speaks about NY politics, most believe that she is still speaking on behalf of her former boss, or at least presenting a narrative that supports her former boss.
So, when DeRosa appeared on WABC Radio 770 and owner John Catsimatidis’ show “Cats at Night” on Oct. 18, and “unloaded” on Governor Kathy Hochul, as the NY Post described it, many took notice.
“Voters respond to leadership. And they respond to a lack of leadership. Right now, the silence out of … the governor’s office on subway crime is deafening,” said DeRosa.
“The reality is people want to feel safe. That’s their right. Yesterday morning, I saw on the news that somebody was pushed onto the subway track. Thank God the person was rescued. Hochul puts out her schedule, and she says that she’s going to be making a public service announcement. I was actually hopeful, like, finally, they’re going to say something about crime and the MTA. And what does she do? She does a press conference on catalytic converters.”
“As we’re getting closer to Election Day, and as crime and the economy continue to be top-of-mind for people…. you’re seeing Lee Zeldin pick up steam,” said DeRosa, who accused democrats of “putting their heads in the sand.”
“Unless the politicians, Hochul specifically … get smart to this … I think they’re going to have an uncomfortably close Election Day.”
“It’s more what Hochul isn’t saying…. She has been completely absent from the conversation, almost as if she has absolutely nothing to do with it. The reality is nobody cares if the train is on time if you’re worried about getting shot on the train…When there are really big problems, politicians have a tendency to duck them when they think they can’t solve them … But this is one that is not going away.”
DeRosa qualified her negativity over democratic leaders and crime by saying that she does not think that Zeldin will win, but the damage was done to Hochul. And WABC 770 radio is the place for conservative commentary, and DeRosa chose it, at a time when Hochul’s lead in the polls shrinks.
Andrew Cuomo has started a podcast, Just the Facts, and has hinted about a political comeback. That political comeback would likely have to start in New York State. But Cuomo would be blocked for running for Governor again if Hochul wins on November 8, thus the theory that maybe team Cuomo wants Hochul to lose, giving a democrat the chance to defeat Governor Zeldin?
Cuomo’s first 2 episodes of his podcast are free, the rest you will have to pa $2.99 per month on Quake Media.
Attorney Debra Katz, who represents Westchester native Charlotte Bennett, who is suing Cuomo for sexual harassment, wasn’t impressed. “I think the world would be a better place if he just stayed at home and worked on his motorcycle.”