Discover the Difficulties Around Hotel Recruitment in Dublin

The exponential growth of the hospital industry has led to a surge in demand for qualified professionals. However, recruiting and retaining top candidates can be challenging since the industry is facing recruitment challenges. Hotels in Dublin are now facing the difficulties of finding and hiring qualified candidates.

Here are the difficulties around hotel recruitment in Dublin:

1. Attracting the Top Talent

Many hotels struggle to find and attract candidates with the right personality traits, experience, and skills. In fact, they have to compete for the most talented candidates.

These candidates, therefore, have the luxury to choose the most attractive employment package. That is why hotels need to use creative ways to attract and retain the top talent.

2. High Turnover Rates

A lot of hotels in Dublin have been facing the challenge of keeping and retaining the top talents. The retention rate in the hospitality industry is very low.

The low employee retention rate can be due to inefficient communication, unhealthy work environment, lack of flexibility, bad fit and unclear job expectations.

3. Candidate Shortages

Candidate shortage is a real problem in the hospitality industry. There are not enough candidates to fill job vacancies. The lack of candidates willing to fill these job vacancies can be frustrating for hotels.

These hotels will not perform effectively. In fact, they might not even grow. Why? According to Maria Logan, they may have to spend more time and money on hotel recruitment. It is time-consuming and expensive to recruit and train new employees regularly.

4. Skills Shortage

Working in a hotel requires skills in good communication, organisation, listening, customer service and management.

Unfortunately, many potential candidates do not have the necessary skills and experience. That is why many hotels are suffering as they are recruiting candidates who do not have the necessary skills.

5. Job Security

Many employees do not just consider job satisfaction. They are more concerned about job security. This is because of the increasing number of businesses closing down and retrenching their employees.

Job security helps hotel employees not worry about losing their jobs in the future.

7. Hospitality Industry Growth

The hospitality industry is a growing industry. In fact, new hotels open every year. Therefore, the competition for top talent is fierce.

The increasing competition for skilled talent has made it difficult for many hotels in Dublin to attract top talent. Hotels need to have a great offer to attract and retain skilled employees.

8. Lack of Technological Integration

One of the biggest difficulties for the hospitality sector is technical issues. The best recruitment technology can help solve the hospitality skills shortage.


Hotels, for example, can use technology to attract new talent, deliver training and scheduling and workforce planning. However, some hotels do not invest in the best recruitment technology.

9. Mismatched Expectations

Hotels have to get more specific with the responsibilities and duties of their job roles. They must produce a realistic picture of the position.

However, the potential candidate may have different expectations. The mismatched expectations can, therefore, lead to frustrations and high turnover.

10. Cultural Fit

Hiring for cultural fit can be difficult. Hotels should not just focus on skills when hiring new employees. Instead, they must make sure the employee fits into their culture.

For instance, the beliefs and behaviours of the employee should be in alignment with the hotel’s core values and culture. That is why hotels should ensure they have a set of values and how they translate to the position.

11. Managing Online Presence

Another challenge is developing and managing an online presence. It is very important for hotels to have an online presence. In fact, it should be an important part of recruitment strategies.

Building an online presence can help hotels attract potential candidates.

By the way, many people want to work for reputable and reliable brands. Hotels can use the internet to build their brands. Building an online presence can help attract both employees and customers.

12. Seasonal Fluctuations

Seasonal turnover is one of the most common challenges faced by hospitality businesses. Hotels, like many hospitality businesses, experience seasonal fluctuations.

The seasonal fluctuations can make it difficult to retain many employees. Employees will come and go. Hotels will have to fill these jobs.

13. Lengthy Recruitment Processes

Lastly, the recruitment process can be lengthy. This is because of the number of applications and interviews. A long recruitment process can affect the business. And the top candidates have several job offers to consider.

Hotels need to simplify their recruitment process, write a better job description, keep communication channels open and build a talent tool.

Closing Thoughts

Hotels in Dublin face a lot of difficulties around hotel recruitment in Dublin. They find it difficult to attract and retain the best employees for the long term. They may find it challenging to hire skilled employees due to high competition in the hospitality industry.

It is, therefore, crucial for hotels to create a recruitment process, write engaging job descriptions, provide avenues for personal growth and cultivate a strong company culture.

And they must hire employees with the necessary skills and experience to provide excellent service.