Editor’s Note: This story, printed on Jan 24, has drawn great interest, from both supporters of DiFiore-Murphy and from more progressive democrats opposed. In our Jan 31 papers, we print letters and emails from supporters of DiFiore-Murphy.
It’s a new year and with the new year comes another attempt by NYS Chief Court Judge Janet DiFiore and her husband, high powered NYC attorney Dennis Glazer to get their daughter, Alexandra DiFiore—Murphy on the bench. In 2018 and 2019, we wrote about the DiFiore’s attempt to twist the arm of Westchester democrats and get Alexandra on the Westchester County Court, based on information obtained from our readers, Westchester democrats who were outraged at the tactics and the lack of experience for young DiFiore. The result of Westchester democrat’s information to us resulted in Ms. DiFiore -Murphy not being nominated for county court.
Now here we are again, a new year, and according to our democratic friends in Westchester, another attempt by the DiFiore’s to get their daughter on the ballot for judge, but this time they are going for a State Supreme Court judgeship.
“Dear Mr. Murphy, Last year you wrote an article exposing how the chief judge of New York State, together with her husband, a partner at a powerful New York Law firm, were pressuring the Democratic Party in Westchester County to have their daughter appointed to the county court. Your article exposed the political machinations of the connected and stopped a back room deal from happening.
“I am writing to let you know that the DiFiore/Murphy family is again trying to pressure local politicians into getting Ms. Alexandra DiFiore Murphy a judgeship. This time they are working back channels to have the Westchester county Democratic Party select Ms. DiFiore Murphy as their candidate over other more qualified and experienced candidates for NYS Supreme. Ms. DiFiore has no civil experience and has not been active in Westchester politics,” writes a concerned Westchester Citizen, who provided their name and how they obtained the information to us.
After a few days, and verification on our part to others that the story was in fact true, and another email from our same source. “More has occurred since my prior note. It has recently come to my attention that the governor‘s office has called the chairperson of numerous Democratic committee‘s throughout Westchester county, insisting that they support Alexandra DiFiore Murphy for a Supreme Court judgeship. From conversations with various district leaders and committee members I have heard that the Governor’s office has threatened that there will be serious consequences if committees do not assign their delegates to Miss DiFiore Murphy.
“It is inconceivable that this is happening and that the chief judge is not supporting and involved in this concerted effort. Judge DiFiore is supposed to uphold and embody ethics in New York. Instead she is engaged in backroom dealings to make the New York State Court system a family fiefdom where she can bestow a judgeship upon her daughter. Judge DiFiore’s husband is a longtime patron of Governor Cuomo’s and the current scheme would enable Ms. DiFiore Murphy, who has no experience in civil law, to avoid a public primary and in essence be handed a Supreme Court judgeship because of who her mother and father are and who they know.”
“Getting the story out now will have the most impact. Many people in the Westchester Democratic Party are talking about this already but are waiting for it to break in the press, so they can speak publicly. Sunlight is the best antiseptic., “writes a concerned Westchester Citizen.
Part of the reason that the DiFiore’s are going for State Supreme Court instead of County Court Judge is twofold. “It may be easier for the DiFiore’s to get their daughter a State Supreme Court seat than a county court seat,” said one Sound Shore Democrat. “Supreme Court Judgeships are chosen by a committee made up of county chairs from several counties in the 9th Judicial District. They can use their power better because its more of a statewide democratic decision.”
The opposition that DiFiore may have from Westchester democrats may not be the same from democrats from Putnam, Dutchess, Rockland and Orange Counties that make up the 9th Judicial District and will determine who gets a State Supreme Court nomination. “There’s a lot of trading that goes on between the democratic committees for judges, and if the Governor’s office and the power of the state democratic committee, we may indeed see a State Supreme Court Judge DiFiore,” said a Yonkers democratic leader.
Our readers may also ask, What about the republican nominees for Judges in Westchester and NY State? Unfortunately, because of the large enrollment edge that democrats have, not only in Westchester but across the 9th JD, mean that the democratic nominee for Judge will be the next elected judge. Over the past 3 elections, democrats have swept the county court races and the state supreme court judge races, winning them all.
Last year, our papers received similar complaints about efforts to help DiFiore-Murphy secure a county court democratic nomination. Before the democratic convention she withdrew her name, in part, because of the many other candidates across Westchester who had waited their turn to run for County Court Judge.
Mrs. Murphy is a cum laude graduate from Vanderbilt who received her law degree from Fordham University, has worked for the past several years for Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance Jr. Her father, Dennis Glazer, is a partner, at the noted Manhattan law firm Davis Polk & Wardwell.
Another problem with the efforts of DiFiore and Glazer for their daughter; the new progressive, indivisible movement within the Democratic party. “The new indivisible voters in the democratic party don’t want anything to do with Dennis Glazer or Chief Judge DiFiore. Remember Janet was a republican for a long time before she switched parties. The progressive-democrats of today don’t believe in nepotism for Judges,” said one Indivisible Westchester member.