By Dan Murphy
In honor of those whose lives were lost or forever changed by the tragic events of Sept. 11, 2001, Westchester County Executive George Latimer will join with Volunteer New York! to host “9/11: Serve + Remember.” Volunteer opportunities will be taking place Saturday and Sunday, Sept. 7 and 8, and Wednesday, Sept. 11. The community-wide action event is sponsored by Robison Oil, with additional support from Empire City Casino and Westchester Medical Center.
“Each year, hundreds of Westchester County residents look for ways to honor the thousands of lives that were lost or forever changed on Sept. 11,” said Latimer. “I encourage everyone to participate in the 9/11 Serve + Remember Program, and spend a little bit of time doing something good in memory of those who lost so much.”
“Over the last nine years we have worked with thousands of volunteers to help turn ‘911 Day’ into a day of doing good,” added Volunteer New York! Executive Director Alisa Kesten. “Businesses have sent teams to create blankets for children in shelters, youth athletic teams have stepped up to make sandwiches for those in need, families have come together to create cards thanking our veterans… Each good deeds brings our community closer together and builds on this American legacy of positive response in our darkest days.”
Many volunteer opportunities are family-friendly, and all will help support one of 35 local non-profits and causes where helpers are needed throughout the year. To participate, volunteers must register through www.volunteernewyork.org/service or call 914-948-4452 for more information.
Westchester County will also host its annual employee blood drive in partnership with the New York Blood Center on Monday, Sept. 11, at the Westchester County Center from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Service projects at the Westchester County Center will take place Sept. 11, from 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Volunteers can create inspirational notes and cards for deployed service members, create blankets for children, help feed the hungry “one sandwich at a time,” package diapers for the Westchester County Diaper Bank, participate in a sensory-friendly community service project to support our troops, support families in emergency shelters, participate in a sock and underwear drive for kids, help “Courtney’s Tie Drive” for veterans, and create math kits for elementary school children.
Additional projects taking place Sept. 7, 8 or 11 outside of the County Center include revitalizing the trout stream at Westmoreland Sanctuary, cleaning up the warehouse at Furniture Sharehouse, harvesting the nonprofit Community Garden, a clothing drive, emergency training, spending time with seniors, supporting the New Rochelle Street Fair, creating literacy kits for Head Start programs, supporting shelter dogs, packing up back-to-school supplies, assisting A-Home Restoration, trail and lake cleanup at Teatown, restoration of the Yonkers waterfront, and creating comfort kits for patients at Westchester Medical Center.
For a complete list of “911 Day” volunteer opportunities taking place Sept. 7, 8 and 11, visit www.volunteernewyork.org/service or call 914-948-4452.