Republican Congressman Matt Gaetz has not yet been charged with a crime, but the leaked accusations and information against him points to a sexually active Trump supporter that had a preference for young woman, bragged about his conquests to his colleagues in congress and allegedly paid a 17 year old ‘girlfriend’ several hundred dollars for spending a night in his bed.
In response, Rep. Gaetz has tried to muddy the allegations against him by trying to tie it to another incident that concerns an American hostage in Iran. It’s complicated and confusing, and exactly what Gaetz wants, a confused public as he tries to hang onto his political future.
The American hostage in Iran is Robert Levinson. There is no definitive proof that Levinson, a former FBI and DEA agent, is still alive after he disappeared in 2007, in Iran, while on a mission for the CIA. In 2017, Levinson became the longest held American hostage in history. In 2020 his family announced his death, but without proof. Rumors continue that he is still alive in an Iranian prison, and efforts continue to rescue him.
Bob Kent is an Air Force veteran, and a private, military operative with deep ties to Iraq. Kent beleives that Levinson is still alive and has been trying to rescue him since a first mission, in 2018, was hatled by the US government. He claims to have a proof of life video, that the public has yet to see, but what experts say is a 50-50 likelihood that it is real. Last year, Kent tried to raise money for a second rescue mission for Levinson.
One of the wealthy Americans that Kent asked to help fund a Levinson rescue was Don Gaetz, the Congressman’s father who is worth hundreds millions-of dollars. Kent asked Gaetz to fund the rescue, at a cost of $25 Million, and then offered to have Congressman Gaetz appear at the homecoming of Levinson.
Congressman Gaetz has called this request of his father, Extortion. Kent denied the accusation, appearing on Michael Smerconish’s Sirius radio show, and CNN’s Chris Cuomo TV show, to explain himself.
“I never threatened the man—matter of fact, it was the opposite: I told him if he decides not to help us, he’ll never hear from me again,” said Kent, who then explained how he got a call that Don Gaetz had agreed to fund the project. “Then that evening Congressman Gaetz went on the news,” exposing the rescue mission.
“Robert Levinson is a constituent of Matt Gaetz, and you know. The congressman just made the Levinson situation worse. If he is alive, he is directly impacting his predicament right now,” said Kent. And when asked by Cuomo if he was worried if Don Gaetz wore a wire during their meeting, Kent said “I hope that he was wearing a wire.”
Both Gaetz and Kent have blurred lines in their versions of events. While Kent’s explanation of why he chose the elder Gaetz to fund the rescue, and why he linked the $25 Million funding request with a chance for his son to gain redemption, has a few holes in it, Congressman Gaetz’s attempt to link charges of sexual improprieties with young and underage women against him with an attempted rescue of an American hostage in Iran, is irresponsible and unpatriotic, if Levinson is alive. And if Matt Gaetz is guilty of publciizing a rescue attempt, and as a result, endangering the live of Levinson, then we have reached a new low in American politics.
Four links to help you determine the truth:
Smerconish interivew-https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=moYPsgl7sfo&list=PLe0lu5JJLeanz_Mim7mYSaoopNKJNu-gv&index=5
Cuomo interview-https://www.cnn.com/videos/politics/2021/04/06/bob-kent-matt-gaetz-allegations-respond-sot-cpt-vpx.cnn
Gaetz interview with Tucker Carlson, Fox news -https://video.foxnews.com/v/6245589617001?playlist_id=5198073478001#sp=show-clips
Gaetz OP Ed-https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/op-eds/rep-matt-gaetz-oped-the-swamp-is-out-to-drown-me-with-false-charges-but-im-not-giving-up