Deadline for Yonkers Arts Grants Near

County Legislator Christopher Johnson with ArtWestchester grantees

Yonkers artists and cultural organizations are invited to apply for more than $52,000 in grants to enhance the services they provide to residents. The Yonkers Arts Initiative grants—whose deadline is April 3—is a funding program run by ArtsWestchester in partnership with the Westchester County Board of Legislators, among other branches of county and state government.

County Legislator Christopher Johnson said the art and programming produced by the grants allow the public to escape their routines and enjoy creative experiences. “It’s important that everyone throughout Westchester—and specifically those people that I represent here in Yonkers—have that type of opportunity and I will continue to provide those opportunities for everyone,” said Johnson, who met with representatives of Yonkers’ arts groups at a March 9 reception.

Organizations may seek grants for up to two public arts/cultural activities in Yonkers. Organizations may request between $1,000 – $10,000. If a group requests more than one grant, the total request cannot exceed $10,000.

Individuals may apply for one grant for the creation of a new Yonkers-based work of art or a community-engagement project. Artists may request between $1,000 – $2,500. Artists must live in Yonkers or own/rent space in Yonkers at the time of the application, and for the duration of the planned project.

Dave Steck, the executive director of the YoFiFest film festival, hosted the reception and noted that his group could not have operated its programs and festival for the past 10 years without grants. “We have received support from ArtsWestchester for years and this support has grown,” said Steck, whose next festival is November 10-19. “We are thankful for the support that we do get, and we find ways to use that to get us to the next level.”