One of the great members of the Yonkers community was John Romano, Sr. He came from nothing to become a respected attorney and a generous member of the City he called home for most of his life. Dan Romano recently wrote about his father.
“My father John Romano Sr. is my hero. As an attorney and member of the community, he set a superb example for all of his children, and inspired me to pursue the law and public service. My Dad practiced law altruistically, and never allowed a client’s financial circumstances to stand in the way of meeting their needs. He taught me the difference that our courts make in the lives of families and businesses, and the need for fairness, honesty, and compassion in our legal system.As your next City Court Judge, I plan to emulate my father’s example, and bring integrity and compassion to our City Court,” writes Romano, who won the democratic primary in June for City Court, with Karen Best and Verris Shako.
All three are on the democratic party line on November 3.