Cuomo’s Most Serious Accuser, Brittany Commisso, Comes Forward

Cuomo’s Top Aide, Melissa DeRosa Resigns; Assembly to Begin Impeachment August 16

Brittany Commisso breaks her silence and reveals her identity on CBS This Morning, August 9

By Dan Murphy

Governor Andrew Cuomo’s ethical and political future took three hits on August 9 as his most serious accuser, Brittany Commisso, dropped her anamonity, and told her story to the media. After her interview, the Governor’s most trusted aide, Melissa De Rosa, announced her resignation, while the NY Assembly announced that they will begin impeachment proceedings against Cuomo on Monday August 16.

Commisso, 32, a mother of a young girl, sat down for a 30 minute interview on CBS This morning. During the interview, Commisso was believable, emotional and detailed in what she says happened between her and the Governor, with the two most serious allegations against Cuomo explained.  -I’m a mother, daguther -I am more than an exec asst

Commisso worked as an Executive Assistant to Cuomo, calling it “a dream job that turned into a nightmare.” Commisso claims that both incidents of inappropriate touching, fondling or molesting, occurred at the Governor’s mansion.

On New Year’s Even 2019, she was called to the mansion to work on the Governor’s State of the State Address, after which she claims, “There was a point that he would start getting up to hug my goodbye. He pulled me close and I could feel my breasts on his chest. I knew is wasn’t normal. Then he kissed me on the checck and then kissed me on the lips.”

Cuomo then asked to take a selfie, according to Commisso. “I then felt while taking selfie his hand go on my back onto my butt. He was rubbing my butt.”

Commisso said the 2nd incident occurred sometime in December of 2020, when she was called to the Governor’s office by his secretary to “send something from the governor’s Iphone to the secretary’s Iphone.”He gets up and gives me a hug, in the most sexually aggressive manner. I said to him, you’re going to get us in trouble. I was so afraid that someone would see this. That is not who I am. He shut the door hard, came back to me and put his hand up my blouse and cupped my breast under my bra. When I stopped it he walked away and said nothing.”

Commisso said that she originally did not want to come forward, after watching Cuomo’s first video, she changed her mind. ” I have a voice and now I have decided to use it. He almost has this smirk that he is untouchable. That was the breaking point. He’s lying and I felt that he was personally saying it to me.”

Commisso has filed a criminal complaint against Cuomo with the Albany County Sherriff’s office, saying “The Governor needs to be held accountable. What he did to me was a crime. He broke the law.

Albany County Sherriff Craig Apple said, “At this point, I’m very comfortable and safe saying she is, in fact, a victim.”

Commisso, 32, is in Attorney General Letitia James’ report as “Executive Assistant” #1. 

Mrs. Commisso was married to Frank Commisso, who ran for Albany Mayor, and the two have a young daughter.

A majority of New Yorkers believe Commisso as they believed Westchester resident Charlotte Bennett, who came forward with her own allegations of Cuomo’s sexual harassment in March 2021.

After the CBS interview with Commisso aired, the Secretary to the Governor, Melissa De Rosa, submitted her resignation. De Rosa served as Cuomo’s top aide for more than a decade, and her departure shocked many Albany political insiders.

Finally, the NY Assembly announced that they will begin impeachment proceedings against Cuomo on Monday August 16, giving Cuomo seven days to resign.