Culinary Students Bake Cupcakes for Foster Families

Culinary students at the Charter School of Educational Excellence in Yonkers with the cupcakes that they baked and decorated for a foster care agency

Culinary students at the Charter School of Educational Excellence recently baked 500 cupcakes as holiday treats for foster families. The culinary class baked the goodies for Graham-Windham, a New York City foster care agency that offers life-altering support for children, youth and families overcoming some of life’s most difficult challenges and obstacles.

“I honestly hope they enjoy them,” said Crystal Harris, a senior at the charter school. “They are our future generation, so the least we can do is make them some cupcakes that taste good and are pretty. I hope they love them.”

The school at 220 Warburton Ave. baked the cupcakes for the charity as part of its commitment to the surrounding community.

“Our purpose is to bring hope and cheer to children who are less fortunate and who are hopefully going to have a better future,” said Alan Richter, the school’s culinary teacher.

The students baked their cupcakes in a new, state-of-the-art commercial kitchen where they familiarize themselves with tools of the trade as they develop the essential skills for culinary careers. The new kitchen opened in the fall of 2021 as part of the new $27 million high school that will graduate its first cohort of seniors in the spring.

Culinary jobs are expected to grow at a faster-than-average rate nationally, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, which estimates that culinary careers will grow at 15% through 2031. The average growth rate for all professions in this period is 5%.