County Legislator Christopher Johnson presented a check on behalf of the Board of Legislators in the amount of $10,000 to fund the Nepperhan Community Centers’ purchasing of 40 new laptops. “On behalf of all the children and families we serve, I would like to thank Legislator Christopher Johnson and the Westchester County Board of Legislators” said Jim Bostic, Executive Director of the Nepperhan Community Center, “for providing a $10,000 grant for our agency to purchase chrome books to assist the under-privileged children whose families cannot afford them, that we serve within the Yonkers Public Schools. Your generosity will help ensure that many children have the tools they need to be successful during these unprecedented times.”
The Nepperhan Community Center will be working with Yonkers Public Schools to provide a safe space and assistance for virtual learning. Legislator Johnson advocated for funding for the Nepperhan Community Center during the 2020 Budget negotiations last year. “Although I fought for this funding last year, we all had no idea it would be need to be repurposed for this type of programming. This is a time in our lives where our kids need us the most. Many families in our community have to choose between working or staying home to monitor their children, and not everyone can afford a laptop for each of their children to work on separately. This funding will help to alleviate some of that,” said County Legislator Christopher Johnson.