County Legislator David Tubiolo
By Dan Murphy
Yonkers County Legislator David Tubiolo is off to basic training to serve our country in the Army reserves, Yonkerstimes.com has learned. Tubiolo will spend the next three months in basic training at Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri.
According to Tubiolo, “I have always wanted to serve in the military, and at my age that time has to be now. I will be gone for a few months, but will return to my service on the County Board.”
The age requirement for Army Reservists is between 17-35 years old, and reservists must spend one weekend a month on duty and two weeks a year in training.
Tubiolo said that he always wanted to serve his country “since I was young. I joined ROTC in college and did some training at Fort Knox in 2008. I thought about joining but it was a big committment. Now that I’m older, its now or never.”
With most of the news about the US Military focusing on how recruitment numbers are down, here is a positive story about an elected official who wants to serve his country. We asked Tubiolo if his decision might be an example for others to serve.
“I think military service is a great opportunity to learn discipline, and trusting other soldiers and networking, while learning about life. There are a lot of positive attributes.”
“As a County Legislator, I’m serving my local community. In the reserves, I will be serving my country and fulfilling a dream that I’ve always had,” said Tubiolo, who underscored the fact that he has to complete basic training before becoming an Army reservist.
County Executive George Latimer said, “I salute David’s desire to serve our nation. I’m confident that he will bring his full dedication to this committment and will reflect well on all us who know him.”
Tubiolo leaves for Fort Leonard Wood on Aug. 2. Godspeed!