Latimer added that there is no mandate from the State or from the county to wear a mask, and that the only mandate the county can give regarding masks it to wear one on county property. “If we take action, it would probably be along the lines of what happens at the airport, what happens within county office buildings and facilities, and then masking requirements for our recreation facilities. Because our pool, our parks, beaches are all outdoor facilities we haven’t gotten to the point to do that because obviously when your outdoors there’s less likelihood of virus spread because of the open air and air movement,” said Latimer.
Latimer said that the county continues to monitor the positivity rates of Westchester residents but is encouraged that while the positivity rates are high, seriously ill persons from COVID and hospitalizations remain low.
School districts are also reviewing COVID rates in their communities, and without any directive from the state, each school district will make their own decision, with the hopes that the end of the school year in June will come without a masking requirement for students and staff.