Recognizing that affordable child care is essential for children, families and the economy to thrive, Westchester County has partnered with the Child Care Council of Westchester to create the Westchester Works Scholarship for resident families who have not previously qualified for child care financial assistance.
Westchester County Executive George Latimer said: “I know all too well the struggles and hard decisions families face when they have to answer the age old question, ‘who is going to watch the children when we go to work?’ Increasing the eligibility will allow more parents to go to work with peace of mind knowing their children are safe and in good hands. These parents will better be able to provide for their children and themselves. Supporting and increasing funding for childcare is the right thing to do for working families – period.”
Latimer’s 2022 budget contains a total of $38.9 million for childcare subsidies. An increase of $10.2 million from 2021 levels of $28.7 million.
Board of Legislators Chairwoman Catherine Borgia said: “I began my career in politics advocating for affordable child care when I first became a mother. Adding this funding to the 2022 budget was a high point of my career. I am overjoyed today to see this program coming to fruition, knowing that it will make a huge difference in the lives of so many families across Westchester. We know that early child care leads to lifelong positive outcomes in behavior, education, and functionality. Instituting programs like this is a true example of a legacy that outlives you. This will improve the lives and futures of Westchester residents.”
Department of Social Services Commissioner Leonard Townes said: “Child care is an essential element in helping Westchester families maintain employment which creates self-sufficiency and benefits our local economy. County Executive George Latimer and the Board of Legislators commitment to supporting childcare reflects a heartfelt concern for helping families prosper and the well-being of children.”
For many families, child care is often the biggest bill in the household – but this new scholarship provides relief.
• A family of two was previously ineligible if household income was $34,841.
• Now, that same family can have a gross income of up to $60,674 and qualify for the Westchester Works Child Care Scholarship.
• A family of three can earn up to $74,950, and a family of four, up to $89,226.
Legislator MaryJane Shimsky said: “Properly funding child care was an ongoing battle from the beginning of my tenure as a legislator under the previous administration. As we begin to emerge from the COVID pandemic and parents head back to work in person, this program could not be more timely. I am incredibly proud that as the Majority Leader of the Board of Legislators I was a part of the leadership team that partnered with County Executive Latimer last year to add this funding to the budget. This program will improve the lives of so many families as we recover from the struggles of the past two years, and as we are determining the pandemic’s long term effects on our children. This is a big step in the right direction for all of our children.”
Child Care Council of Westchester Executive Director Kathy Halas said: “We’re immensely grateful that Westchester County Executive George Latimer and the Board of Legislators took bold action in this year’s budget. These funds have immediately increased access to safe, quality child care. Long term, fewer Westchester families will struggle to meet basic needs, more children will reach their potential, and Westchester will be safer and healthier.”
Yonkers resident and recent Department of Social Services Child Care Scholarship Awardee Yaniree Lopez said: “A couple years ago, my son’s pediatrician recommended I enroll him in a good child care program to help him meet his developmental milestones. I did, and his progress has been amazing. He’s learned so much and caught up with his peers. But I almost had to pull him out for financial reasons. My mother is very ill, which adds to my expenses, and means I don’t have her to help with child care. I am one of those working parents who make a little too much to qualify for subsidy, but I was still struggling to keep up. I am so thankful for the scholarship I received through DSS and the Child Care Council, because it allows me to work, meet all my financial obligations, and keep my four-year-old son in a safe program where he thrives.”
Scholarship applications are being accepted as of April 1. To qualify for the scholarship or a child care subsidy, parents/guardians must be working and meet income eligibility. Click here to learn more and apply. Questions? Email scholarships@cccwny.org, or call (914) 761-3456 x140.
Employers are also encouraged to reach out to the Council to obtain information and resources to distribute to employees.