County Executive Candidate Sculti Sues Costco, Claims Serious Injuries, But Campaigning Across Westchester

The Inclined Moving Walkway at Costco

Christine Sculti, the republican candidate for Westchester County Executive has sued Costco in Port Chester for an accident involving a shopping cart on the retailer’s escalator. Through her attorney, Sculti filed the lawsuit in April of this year and has claimed to suffer “severe and serious personal injuries.”

Documents obtained by show a complaint filed in State Supreme Court in Westchester on April 30.

Sculit announced her candiacy in March, one month before filing the lawsuit. During the past seven months, Sculti has been campaigning across Westchester as the republican candidate for County Executive without any appearance of serious injury.

The accident occured in 2018, according to the lawsuit. “The plaintiff has been unable to attend to her ususal duties and activities and will in the future, be unable to attend to her duties and activities, all to her damage.

“As she approached the Inclined Moving Walkway, she (Sculti) encountered an employee of the defendant who was present at the bottom of the Inclined Moving Walkway and who was helping Costco customers, such as Ms. Sculti, board the Inclined Moving Walkway with their shopping carts (hereinafter, “Subject Costco Employee”)

“At all times relevant herein, the Subject Costco Employee assisted Ms. Sculti in boarding the Inclined Moving Walkway, but then failed and/or refused to ensure that the wheels of her cart were locked and stable as it ascended the Inclined Moving Walkway, failed and/or refused to help her maintain the position of the cart despite the wheels not locking, and then subsequently abandoned Ms. Sculti by descending the Inclined Moving Walkway and leaving her alone with the unstable, dangerously positioned cart, and created and allowed a significant hazardous condition to persis tin the presence of plaintiff.

“At all times relevant herein and after the Subject Costco Employee abandoned Ms. Sculti, the cart moved backward on the Inclined Moving Walkway and severely injured Ms. Sculti. She was caused to sustain severe and serious personal
injuries when she was caused to be struck, pushed back, and/or moved forcefully and unexpectedly by a shopping cart which had wheels that did not properly lock, which rolled backwards into the plaintiff on the Inclined Moving Walkway, and which otherwise became an extremely hazardous instrument due to the negligence, gross negligence and recklessness of the defendant and defendant’s employee. Plaintiff was pushed backward in such a way as to suffer severe and permanent injuries,” states the lawsuit, which can be read at

Several campaign videos from Sculti’s Facebook page show her campaigning and moving about without hinderance.

One democrat asked, “which should we believe? The lawsuit that says she is injured, or the candidate out and about without a cane, telling us what everyone wants to hear?”

This isn’t the first time that Sculti has sued over an alleged personal injury. One lawsuit from 2016 involved an auto accident in addition to another personal injury case.

One County democrat added, “Does she want to be County Executive, or does she want to sue whatever big pocket corporations and insurance companies she can? And if we are to believe her lawsuit against Costco, could she serve the people of Westchester if she were ever elected?”