Congressman-elect George Latimer with Eric Schoen, at Park Hill Neighborhood Association that Jamaal Bowman skipped to be on The Colbert Show
By Eric Wolf Schoen
Several weeks ago George Latimer, attending an event at the Yonkers Public Library Will Branch which doesn’t draw thousands of people but draws people who will go out and vote asked me a question. ‘Eric. You are out there in the community. What are you hearing about my race for Congress?’ The polls had George up by 17 Points, a pretty nice number.
My response? ‘George, I have been around this political game since the early 70’s when I was too young to vote. I worked for family friends including Harry Oxman, Judge Jesse Eisen, Dominick (Brother) Iannacone and in 1978 when I turned 18 and could vote, Congressman Richard Ottinger.’
One thing I learned early on is that you never take anything for granted in the political world and elections, particularly. Dad had a friend named Abe Thompson who ran against the Icon, Senator John ‘Chippy’ Flynn. Dad told Abe he couldn’t support him because Senator Flynn was a good friend of the family. Abe thanked dad for being honest. People would show up at Abe Thompson’s campaign events, give him small donations and say they fully supported Abe. The next day these same people would show up at Chippy Flynn’s political events, give him twice the amount of a donation, and include their names in an advertisement of Chippy Flynn’s supporters that appeared in the Yonkers Herald Statesman, the paper now known as the Journal News!
I want to give credit to outgoing Congressman Jamaal Bowman. He talked about bringing people together? He sure brought a lot of people together to oppose his candidacy. This was true in Yonkers and many towns and villages throughout WESTCHESTER. He brought conservatives, liberals, Republicans, Democrats, union members, religious group members, the rich and the poor together , everyone opposed to his political philosophies and the ‘Squad’ company he would keep. People from little old Yonkers got turned off to the foul language he would use, and his trying to act like a man of the streets many years younger than he really was.
Heavens Jamaal, you are a member of Congress. Can you please for the rest of the time you are in office act like one. His district has been represented by such prestigious people like Elliot Engel, Nita Lowey, Richard Ottinger, Peter Peyser and Mario Biaggi. Biaggi, who despite his legal troubles would do anything for his constituents. None of these gentlemen would show up Election Night in a t-shirt, and Nita’s hair was always coiffed and she wore a dress or dressy pants outfit when she was doing her Congressional duties or on the floor of the House of Representatives, pretty much whenever she was out in public.
Jamaal’s vote against the Infrastructure Bill was a shocker to many. The bill would have improved our roadways and brought good paying jobs to the community. At first many of us thought that was the end of his doing things the people in the district did not want him to do. But it continued. His lack of support for Israel upset many of his Jewish and non Jewish constituents. He waffled on Israel and Jewish organizations were deeply concerned with his actions in Congress. Yes, many Jewish organizations contributed funds to his opponent, a strong candidate and a strong supporter of Israel. Relations between Blacks and Jews in our community were always strong, and the outgoing Congressperson tried hard to cause a break in a decades old friendship. Pulling a fire alarm was dangerous, unnecessary and upset Democrats and Republicans. That many feel was the icing on his cake!
Something I promised my Facebook friends that I would bring them was the ‘Jamaal of the Day,’ something that would show them the reality of the man who represented them from a position or statement he made that was out of order. That was easy, and quite often truly infuuriated my Facebook friends even more. We are all so used to looking up to our elected officials as role models, and outgoing Congressman Bowman was certainly not.
I noticed the tide changing in George’s favor the last several weeks of the campaign. As Michelle Obama said, ‘When they go low we go high.’ People who initially supported Jamaal were turned off to his antics. The chair in the air episode, the AOC freak show turned off not only people who were turned off to him already but many more. I’m talking about White, Black, Brown, Jewish, Christian, people from all backgrounds and faiths who believe that their Congressman should not behave the way he was. Most folks understand the prestige of Congressional office and respect those individuals who have taken the call to represent us in Washington, D.C. George went high, always a man of principle!
My black friends could not believe what they were seeing, so familiar with what they watched in person or saw on television or knew about the distinguished members of Congress. Cursing in front of children? Unacceptable to them. They were embarrassed. This is what changed their minds and they filled out the circle on the ballot for George. And I believe cost him the election.
I know that some of the good relationships I developed with people of all backgrounds, some who have been critical of my writing on certain topics may be upset with what follows. Just like I feel that there is a certain level of prestige and dignity that was not exhibited by the outgoing Congressperson, I feel the same way about the episode that took place at the Capitol as the Vice President got ready to certify the last election. The institution is so important, and I hate the embarrassment this country faced when people climb the walls of the Capitol and our Representatives must hide for fear of their lives. There was no need for that episode just like there was no need for Congresspersons to act out on a stage.
I fully believe that the people of this country and in our case NY 16 want a representative
in Washington that will do the business of Congress, come home on weekends to their district, be seen around the district, invite a cross section of opinions to discuss issues in their offices in district and in D.C. and provide constituent services with which the bureaucracy out there seem more important everyday. There are so many constituents who have no one to act on their behalf dealing with the federal bureaucracy. As Elliot Engel once told me, he kept most of the staff he had in his Bronx District Office as opposed to his Washington office so they could deal with the problems of his constituents.
My friend George Latimer has a tough job ahead of him. He has to restore the dignity of the office of Congressperson, a task I know he clearly can do. People called him some terrible names and accused him of things anyone who knows him knows are not true. George is as far from following MAGA philosophies as I am (someone called me MAGA in a Facebook room and I just laughed.)
We need you George to go to Washington, fight like hell for dollars for the district, support peace in the world, support Israel and push for peace in the Middle East, make sure our country is safe and that there is food we can afford on our table and gas at a reasonable price for our cars. Provide constituent services in district and make sure people in NY 16 see you and know they can meet with you and talk to you about issues important to them.
We don’t need to see you on MSNBC or television every night to prove you are working for us. Try your hand at bringing the divergent groups who supported you together to work on common areas, and never forget those who did not support you!
And please Congressman Latimer, get some rest in Washington, DC and when you are here at home. I enjoy getting a text from you at 4:30 a.m. , but you have a tough job ahead. Text me at 5:30 a.m.
I am so proud of all that our Editor, Dan Murphy did to support your candidacy. We look forward to writing about all of your accomplishments for the America People!
Reach Eric Schoen at thistooisyonkers@aol.com, or friend him on Facebook Eric Schoen…just look for him in the picture with Joan Rivers!