Congressman Latimer Meets with Fired Federal Employees from Yonkers “We Should Be Ashamed”

Congressman George Latimer recently commented on the House Floor about how he recently met several constituents in Yonkers who are federal employees and have been fired. It is unjust and does nothing to make our government more efficient. I spoke about these fired federal workers on the floor this week.

“This weekend in Yonkers, I met four constituents who have recently been fired from Federal service. The human stories force us to consider the painful toll created by the cut and destroy method of management by this adminstration.

“Departments are being slashed and eliminated and so are the lives of professionals who have devoted their entire careers to public service. Without any objective assessment, years of work are being trashed for bogus claims of fraud and corruption.

“The axe falls regardless of skill, regardless of merit or accomplishment. It falls without regard to the human element of people, not merely statistics, who serve the public.

“It is heartless and cruel. Most corporations, even when downsizing take into account the most productive employees and are strategic when achieving savings.

“Every adminstration is entitled to look at our federal agencies and see what efficiencies can be achieved. This execute first style of management is not that. It creates a stain on America and does nothing to make government more efficient.

“We should be ashamed.”