Congressman Bowman Embarasses Westchester By Pulling Fire Alarm in the Capitol

By Dan Murphy

Westchester Congressman Jamaal Bowman was caught on video in the US Capitol building pulling the fire alarm hours before the House voted to keep the government open for 45 days. The reaction to Bowman’s actions, which most believe was done to keep the House from voting, in Westchester has been negative and harsh.

Bowman’s explanation to the security video footage is unbelievable to most. “Today, as I was rushing to make a vote, I came to a door that is usually open for votes but today would not open. I am embarrassed to admit that I activated the fire alarm, mistakenly thinking it would open the door. I regret this and sincerely apologize for any confusion this caused.”

“But I want to be very clear, this was not me, in any way, trying to delay any vote. It was the exact opposite — I was trying urgently to get to a vote, which I ultimately did and joined my colleagues in a bipartisan effort to keep our government open,” stated Bowman.

Ironically, at the exact time that house democrats were trying to delay the vote, Bowman “accidentally” pulled the fire alarm. Some in the media have reported that Bowman took down 2 signs that stood in the doorway that said Emergency Exit Only and Push Until Alarm Sounds.

Some Westchester democrats have had enough of Rep. Jamaal Bowman. “Beyond the hard core support in parts of the Black community, and the Bernie Sanders-ultra progressive democrats…Will the broad mainstream of the Democratic party remain silent about his antics? The GOP can attach Bowman’s actions and comments to every other elected democrat-and take back seats lost in past elections if Democrats say and do nothing.

“The mainstream Ds do not want a war with the ultra left, but the ultra left wants to do what the far right has done: take over their party. And they routinely primary mainstream Democrats, calling them “corporate” Democrats because they do not strongly back their socialist agenda. If a mainstream Dem primaries a Squad member? Horror! What division is being let loose!

“It is a battle for the soul of the Democratic Party. The GOP battle is over- Trump won. Does America need two parties – hard-right and hard-left – when most Americans fall somewhere in the middle,” said one Westchester democrat.

Republicans were calling for Bowman to be investigated, arrested, expelled, or to resign. Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy said, “When you think about how other people were treated when they come in and wanted to change the course of what was happening in the building, (Jan. 6). This should not go without punishment, I’m gonna have a discussion with the Democratic leader about it. But this should not go without punishment. This is an embarrassment.”

“NY Democrat Jamaal Bowman literally pulled a fire alarm to stall and prevent our efforts to force a vote to keep the federal government open. Pathetic. Criminal investigation needs to happen,” said upstate GOP Congressman Nick Langworthy.

“This is the United States Congress, not a New York City high school. To pull the fire alarm to disrupt proceedings when we are trying to draft legislation to AVERT A SHUTDOWN is pathetic…even for members of the socialist squad,” said NYC Republican Congresswoman Nicole Malliotakis.

Westchester’s other member of Congress, Rep. Mike Lawler said, “That any member of Congress would think it’s appropriate to pull a fire alarm to try and delay Congress from doing its business is shameful, it’s unbecoming, and he should strongly consider resigning from Congress if he did that.”

“Is this how a Principal and Coach is supposed to act? I don’t know what’s worse, pulling the alarm or lying about why you did it,” said another Westchester democrat. “He knew exactly what he was doing.”

Bowman has been a House member for nine months, which makes the “confusion” he had about the doors and fire alarms a bit harder to accept. One of the only democrats to speak up for Bowman was AOC, Rep. Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez. “They (House Republicans) are protecting someone (Rep. George Santos) who has lied to the American people, lied to the United States House of Representatives, lied to congressional investigators, but they’re filing a motion to expel a member (Bowman) who, in a moment of panic, was trying to escape a vestibule? Give me a break!” said AOC.

The final vote in the House was 335-91, so Bowman’s vote was not needed for passage. There was no need to panic.

The Senate voted 88-9 vote. A $6 Billion request for additional aid to Ukraine was pulled from the House bill.