Above: Congressman Jamaal Bowman on The Colbert Show
Below: George Latimer with Eric Schoen at Park Hill Residents Association

Yonkerstimes.com reporter Eric Schoen did attend as did Bowman’s opponent, Westchester County Executive George Latimer. Schoen told us “Mr. Bowman is a resident of Park Hill. He told the association that he could not attend, but did not give a reason. Mr. Latimer did attend and spoke.
“I later found out the reason he did not attend from a tweet that Mr. Bowman send out, (pictured above), saying that he was going to be on the Stephen Colbert show last night. The Colbert Show tapes at the same time as the Park Hill program, from 530-7pm. Important people realize that once again he put his political agenda ahead of his constituents.”
Schoen later posted on Facebook, “Congressman Bowman Chose Appearing on The Stephen Colbert Show Instead of Attending His OWN Neighborhood Association Candidates Night event that took place at the Same. time tonight. Another example of his putting his political aspirations ahead of his community and those he represents. In Yiddish we call it a SHANDA or disgrace. Remember that when you vote on Tuesday and Join me in supporting George Latimer for Congress NY 16!”
We confirmed with members of the Park Hill Association that they did not know the reason that Bowman had skipped the candidates night. “We’re disappointed,” said one Park Hill resident.