Are More Fines Coming for Co-Mingling Garbage with Recyclables?
By Dan Murphy
Documents obtained through FOIL from the Westchester Solid Waste Commission, (SWC), reveal that Competitive Carting has been fined $22,000 for violations in 2023. Competitive was awarded the contract to collect residential garbage and recycling in the Town of Yorktown by the Town Board and former Supervisor Matt Slater last year, and the results have been “a disaster” according to many residents who have joined a Facebook group dedicated to problems with the service.
In a letter dated, Feb. 27, 2023, Perry Kadanoff, Executive Director of the Westchester Solid Waste Commission writes to Brian Amico, President Competitive Carting, of a hearing concerning 11 violations on charges of not properly registering and labeling vehicles and containers with the Solid Waste Commission.
The complaint states that as of January 1, 2023, “Competitive Carting Corporation had only one vehicle registered with the Solid Waste Commission. ”Inspectors for the Solid Waste Commission observed “multiple vehicles collecting, storing and hauling solid waste,” with unregistered vehicles. The same Competitive garbage trucks were also illegally dumping at the Waste Transfer Station in Peekskill because they were not registered with the SWC.
On Jan 2 and Jan 3, 2023, five Competitive Carting Trucks were seen dumping at the waste transfer station without proper registration, for a total of ten violations.
Another violation on Jan. 9 had another Competitive truck dumping without proper registration, for a total of 11 violations at $2,000 each, Total=$22,000.
SWC inspectors also found containers with the name -Sterling Superior Services, being emptied by Competitive Carting.
The more serious allegations against Competitive Carting are that they comingled recyclables with garbage FOR THE ENTIRE MONTH OF JANUARY. In the SWC documents we obtained, an SWC Inspector met with the plant manager of the transfer station in Peekskill in Jan. 2023, and was told that Competitive Carting was “turned away for having too much comingling or recyclables with municipal waste.”
According to the contract between the Town of Yorktown and Competitive, fines of $10,000 per month should be made against Competitive for comingling. But according to a request we made last month, no fines have been issued by the Town against Competitive.
The Westchester Department of Environmental Facilities, DEF, also monitors violations of collecting recyclables. We have FOIL’d DEF for any fines issued to Competitive.
According to our sources, video evidence exists of Competitive not separating the recyclables and the garbage because their trucks did not have the capability to separate. One complaint made to DEF claims that in a similar size Town like Yorktown, 29 tons of recyclable waste was removed in the month of January, but Competitive collected only 5 tons. Where did the other 20+ tons of recyclables go? To the garbage dump. “Most garbage companies get fined for having a few pieces of cardboard mixed in with their garbage. Competitive dumped tons of recyclables with their garbage. The fines should be astronomical,” said one person in the industry.
A lawsuit filed against the Town of Yorktown by AAA Carting continues. AAA claims in the suit that the Town did not award the contract to the lowest, responsible bidder because Competitive is not responsible.
A Facebook page from Yorktown residents FED UP with the poor quality of performance by Competitive continues. Photos have been taken of Competitive carts with other company names driving around, pickups late at night, truck breakdowns, drivers working beyond the allowable 60 hours, and more.
Some residents are wondering when the Town will admit the wrong committed when Slater was Supervisor and move on. Perhaps it will take a judge to do that for the taxpayers who just want their garbage removed and recycling to be recycled.
Much more on this story in the weeks to come. Last month, one Yorktown resident came forward willing to join the AAA lawsuit. We need that person to contact us again at dmurphy@risingmediagroup.com.