Yonkers Mayor Mike Spano and the Yonkers Municipal Civil Service Commission have approved adopting New York State changes to the civil service law removing “time of war” requirements for veterans to qualify for credits. The new recommendations, which went into effect October 24, no longer require time of war service when awarding veteran credits for appointments to local positions in the City of Yonkers.
“Our men and women who have served this country made a commitment to protect our freedom,” said Mayor Spano. “By removing the restriction, it allows veterans to be rewarded for doing their duty and gives the city an advantage by allowing for a better pipeline of qualified civil service workers.”
Rev. William E. Norman, Director of the City of Yonkers Department of Veterans Services said, “The veteran community is appreciative Mayor Spano has decided to adopt this change to the civil service law here in Yonkers. Any veteran who serves honorably should be recognized. Allowing qualified veterans to receive this upgrade is beneficial to their quality of life and to our community.”
Prior to this legislation, all qualifying military service since August 2, 1990, has been considered time of war service, leaving a 15-year period between the end of the Vietnam War and the start of the Persian Gulf War; with the exception for specific service in Lebanon, Grenada and Panama. With the elimination of the time of war requirement, veterans who have served on full-time active federal military duty other than for training during that 15-year period now qualify for veteran status.