City Council Approves $175k Settlement with Woman who had Hijab Removed While in Yonkers Police Custody

A traditional Muslim Hijab

For the first time in more than one year, the Yonkers City Council returned to their chambers on the 4th Floor of City Hall to hold their regular meeting on April 13.

At that meeting the Council adopted the following items:

A settlement in the amount of $175,000 in the case of Ihsan Malkawi, for damages arising while detained with the Yonkers Police Department.

In 2019, Malkawi had her Hijab removed and sued for a violation of her religious rights. Both Mrs. Malkawi and her husband were brought in for questioning regarding false claims of abuse by their daughter. Those claims were later withdrawn, but for 36 hours she was held, and had her interaction with the YPD.

The lawsuit stated, ”During the booking process, officers allegedly told the woman to remove her head covering for the booking photo. Malkawi pleaded with the officers to allow her to retain the hijab, as it was “not a fashion accessory, but an essential component of her religion.”

Malkawai also made a court appearance with the Hijab.The lawsuit states that YPD officers denied her request to keep her Hijab on.

I just wanted them to respect my rights, but I felt like they didn’t care,” Malkawi told the Huffington Post. “From the first minute, I felt discriminated against.”

The City and there attorneys decided that the best course of action was to settle. The vote in favor of the settlement was unanimous on the council, with Council President Mike Khader and Council Minority Leader Mike Breen commenting that they had been advised that when combined with a possible jury verdict and the cost of attorneys fees, settlement was the most cost effective way to resolve this matter.

In other business, the Council approved the renaming of Durst Place, from Seminary Avenue to Dunwoodie Street, as Det. William Sulivan Jr. Way.

Sullivan, a member of the Yonkers Police Department, died last year, 2020, from COVID. He was a beloved members of the Police Department and the Yonkers community. We hope that someone can help us write a deserving story of Sullivans memory.

Former City Council President Chuck Lesnick was appointed to the Parks and Recreation Board. Lesnick served as City Council President from 2006-2013. The Council also approved the appointment of Rebecca Pfaffenbach Nova to the Planning Board.

More on this eventful council meeting next week.