On a recent monologue on his Fox News show, host Tucker Carlson opined that ““If the vaccine is effective, there is no reason for people who have received the vaccine to wear masks or avoid physical contact,” and ” So maybe it doesn’t work and they’re simply not telling you that.”
After the show Carlson’s staff posted the video on Facebook, and it quickly became the most popular post. This outraged members of the medical and scientific community, who called for Carlson to be banned from Facebook because of what they view as, his misinformed comments.
Former Westchester resident Chelsea Clinton entered the debate, and quickly became front and center in the verbal and social media battle with Carlson. Clinton tweeted, “In December, @facebook banned claims about #covid19 vaccines “that have been debunked by public health experts.” Especially troubling given Republican men are currently most likely to say they’re not interested in being vaccinated. @TuckerCarlson consistently spews racist, bigoted, anti-Semitic hate and misinformation across his platforms. He doesn’t deserve a microphone.”
Dr. Anthony Fauci called Carlson’s comments, “just a typical crazy conspiracy theory.” Carlson clarified his position and indicated that he was “pro-vaccine.” “We never for a minute on this show doubted that vaccines worked.”
Carlson snapped back on his Primetime show on Fox.
“Internationally renowned humanitarian and intellectual Chelsea Clinton has had about enough of this show, so she called today for Facebook to shut us down. Dr. Chelsea Clinton is mad that we asked super obvious questions that everyone in the country should be asking. But no one seems particularly angry to learn the people running this operation are total buffoons who can’t even coordinate their own talking points and can’t answer the most basic questions. So does the vaccine, and there are a couple of them, but do they work or don’t they work? It is okay, you can tell us. Well, the CEO of Pfizer came out and seemed to suggest today that actually, the dose that Pfizer is administering doesn’t work. The CEO of Pfizer now said two doses probably aren’t enough. He said it is “Likely that people will need a third dose” of his company’s coronavirus vaccine within 12 months of getting fully vaccinated. I guess it is nice to know that now. We didn’t know that yesterday. When Chelsea Clinton was trying to pull us off the air for asking questions that he partly answered. “
Chelsea then added with another Tweet after NPR reported that Carlson’s Facebook post was the #1 most read. “Also, @Facebook needs to live up to its own committment. Its not just one user or one false #covid19 post, its the mess of misinformation unchecked everyday. The most popular story on the J&J Vaccine is a post from a known conspriacy theorist. Come on!”
Carlson has also used his pulpit on FOX to challenge others, like philanthropist Melinda Gates, for what he says are efforts to persuade social media companies to remove any alternative arguments about the vaccines.
Last year, Chelsea Clinton, who lived with her parents at their Chappaqua home for a stint, and who was frequently seen in and around with her parents, Hillary and Bill Clinton, considered but declined to run for Congress representing Westchester in 2019. Two popular spots for the Clinton’s are the Bedford Playhouse, where three generations of Clinton’s would go to the movies, pre-COVID, and Crabtree Kittle House Inn and restaurant in Chappaqua.
Chelsea also asked another compelling question in an appearance on ‘The Five.’ “I personally wish that President and Mrs. Trump had been vaccinated on camera and I wish they were part of the PSA (Public Service Announcement made by former Presidents and Mrs. Bush, Carter and Obama) and I still wish that they would release photographs of President Trump and Mrs. Trump being vaccinated. It’s never too late “