20.4 F
Monday, March 3, 2025

The Lawyer’s Desk: Specific Performance

By Tracey Daniels O’Connell, Esq. In order for a real estate contract to be binding it must be a written contract, signed by the parties,...


  The Laywer’s Desk: By Jerry Kugelmas, Esq. Prenuptial Agreements are agreements made before a marriage that allows the parties to determine, for themselves, their rights...

The Supreme Court Ends the E-commerce Tax Debate

The Lawyer’s Desk--By Peter J. Glantz, Esq. In a narrow 5-4 ruling, the Supreme Court of the United States overturned a landmark precedent in the e-commerce sales...

The Lawyer’s Desk:  Being Harassed by Debt Collectors?

  By: Joshua Butnick, Esq. The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) is a federal law that places limits on what “debt collectors” can do in...

The Lawyer’s Desk: Brokerage Commission

By Tracey Daniels O’Connell, Esq. Generally speaking, a real estate broker is entitled to a commission when he or she procures a buyer who is...

The Lawyer’s Desk: What Does Your Auto Insurance Cover?

By Marc Oxman, Esq. Oops, you’ve had an automobile accident. You’re injured. Your car is damaged. Who do you turn to? If you have automobile insurance,...

The Ultimate (Kick the) Bucket List

The Lawyer’s Desk: By John Buckley, Esq. The days and weeks following your death will be extremely upsetting and stressful to your loved ones. As...

The Lawyer’s Desk: Are Waivers of Liability Enforceable?

By Julie Pechersky Plitt, Esq. As a former equestrian, I was overjoyed to see my daughter up on a horse for her first riding lesson....

Data, Data, Everywhere! In Data We Trust

  The Lawyer's Desk--By Peter Glantz, Esq. “Historically, privacy was almost implicit, because it was hard to find and gather information. But in the digital world,...

The Lawyer’s Desk: Divorce – Knowledge is Power

By Jerry Kugelmas, Esq. They say knowledge is power. This is especially so when it comes to divorce. Divorce is prevalent in our society and everyone...
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