Lowey Poised to Become Appropriations Chairwoman
If Dems Take House Majority
By Dan Murphy
With the “blue wave” of Democratic enthusiasm already haven overtaken Westchester and most of New York State, political...
Why Trump Won… Updated
Donald Trump, pictured with Bill O'Shaughnessy
By Bill O’Shaughessy
Chairman WVOX 1460 AM
Editor’s note: There are many reasons why I enjoy, and appreciate, the thoughts and...
Westchester Dems Endorse Stewart-Cousins
Trump to Astorino to Perez the Tri-Fecta
State Senator Andrea Stewart-Cousins officially kicked off her re-election campaign for 2018 in which she faces a democratic...
Murphy & West GOP to Run Against De Blasio &...
By Dan Murphy
Preparing for another election year with a ‘Blue Wave’ ready to hit the shores of Westchester on November 6, republicans across the...
Indivisible Westchester Backs Goldberg for State Senate
The grassroots activist group Indivisible Westchester is supporting Julie Goldberg in the Sept. 13 Democratic primary for State Senate. Goldberg is challenging former Independent...
Four Candidates Seek to Become Next N.Y. AG
A crowded field of candidates are seeking to become the next attorney general of New York State. Of the five candidates, four are Democrats,...
Nader Sayegh the Last Democrat Standing for Assembly
By Dan Murphy
Sometimes, primary contests between members of the same party seeking the same office can get angry and nasty. But as one former...
Klein and Carlucci to Face Democratic Primaries
By Dan Murphy
Two democratic state senators who represent parts of Westchester will face democratic primaries on September 13. Senators Jeff Klein and David Carlucci...
Perez Makes Ballot for Senate Against Stewart-Cousins
By Dan Murphy
County Legislator Virginia Perez, in her quest to challenge State Senator Andrea Stewart-Cousins, has submitted enough valid signatures to appear on the...
The Dark Side of Jeanine Pirro
By Dan Murphy--this story has been edited
Jeanine Pirro’s latest book, “Liars, Leakers and Liberals,” recently landed as number one on the New York Times...