Stop & Shop Offers Free Reusable Bags at West....
Stop & Shop is offering free reusable shopping bags in its stores
Senator Harckham Does His Homework
Now Supports Legalizing Marijuana
State Senator Peter Harckham
By Dan Murphy
St. Joseph’s Spotlight: Marianne DiTommaso
Marianne DiTommaso, director of residential housing
By Dan Murphy
Khader & Williams Distribute Winter Clothing for MLK Day of Service
Councilwoman Shanae Williams, middle, and Council President Mike Khader, right, spent a day giving out winter clothing...
Yonkers on the Move 2019 Reaches Nearly 45,000 Miles
photo by Maurice Mercado-Yonkers on the Move participant Philip Poggliali with Councilwoman Shanae Williams, former Councilman Michael Sabatino and Mayor Mike...
Phelps Hospital Northwell Health Welcomes First Baby of 2020
Sandra Gomez holds "Baby New Year" Samantha, with sister Lizbeth standing by
The maternity team at Phelps...
Yonkers ‘Feels the Heat’ From Natural Gas Moratorium
Yonkers resident Frank Spotorno's elevator business in Queens was without power due to natural gas ban for more than a month....
Spano to De Blasio: Stop Sending Homeless to Yonkers
Cities like Newark NJ, and Yonkers are pushing back on NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio's plan to relocate homeless populations to...
Yonkers Unveils New (Wh)eels Bike Racks
L-R: Yonkers City Engineer Paul Summerfi eld; Mario Caruso of Yonkers Planning & Development; Yonkers Councilmember Shanae Williams; Amanda Schachter,...
Saint Joseph’s Medical Center Gives Away 200 Free Turkeys
From left are Medical Director James Neuendorf and Chaplain James Annor-Ohene.