State Senator Harckham: Open a COVID Test Site at FDR Park...
Governor Kathy Hochul, pictured at the pool at FDR Park last year, has been asked by State Senator Peter Harckham to...
Westchester County Government Distributes at Home COVID Test Kits
On Dec. 23, Westchester County government posted the following: "To help ease the COVID testing demand,...
NY AG James: Report Price Gouging of Home-COVID Testing Kits,...
On Dec. 21, New York Attorney General Letitia James today issued a consumer alert to New Yorkers concerning potential...
On Dec. 21, Westchester County District Attorney Miriam E. Rocah announced the arraignment of a former Westchester Community College assistant teacher who altered a COVID-19...
Assemblyman Tom Abinanti Promotes, Supports Vaccination
Westchester Assemblyman Tom Abinanti
By Dan Murphy
We thank Westchester Assemblyman Tom Abinanti, who...
Yonkers Assemblyman Nader Sayegh ask Governor for More Testing & Pop...
10 Assemblymembers Sign On To Sayegh's Letter to Hochul
Yonkers Assemblyman Nader Sayegh
Latimer Gives COVID Update: ‘Explosion’ of Cases & Demand for More...
Long lines to get a COVID test in Westchester County, and everywhere in New York State
COVID Cases...
Free Home COVID Test Kits a Few Months Away; If Its...
By Dan Murphy
Supply chain issues could be the reason why 50 million at home COVID testing...
Team “Walk to Victory” Raises $76,345 for Alzheimer’s Association Hudson Valley
Members of "Team Walk to Victory", Julie Shanus Kivell and Amy Shanus, at Brae Burn County Club for their Alzheimer's fund...
Westchester to Enforce Statewide Mask Mandate; Putnam Will Not
By Dan MurphyOn Dec. 10, NY Governor Kathy Hochul announced masks will be required to be worn in all indoor public...