Transplant Recipient Joins Nolans at Softball Tourney
By Dan Murphy
The third annual Michael Nolan Softball Tournament was held July 21 at Cook Field. It was another opportunity for the Yonkers community...
YPS Students to Receive Free Meals
Feds to Pick Up the Tab
By Dan Murphy
Yonkers Public Schools Superintendent Dr. Edwin Quezada announced earlier this month that all YPS students will be...
All Aboard ‘Anything Goes’
By Eric Schoen
The year was 1933. Franklin D. Roosevelt was inaugurated as president. Prohibition ended. Americans were looking for a glimmer of hope after...
Unpopular Lingerie Superstore Opens on Central Avenue
By Dan Murphy
Yonkers residents are not happy that a Lingerie Superstore has opened on Central Park Avenue in Yonkers. The site of a former...
Pirro-Goldberg Explosion Shows How Divided We Are
Former Westchester District Attorney Jeanine Pirro has always been bombastic, loud, opinionated, and not afraid to tell it the way she sees it. She...
NY Health Dept. Says OK to Legal Pot
By Dan Murphy
The New York State Department of Health has released a 74-page report this month that recommends the legalization of marijuana in the...
Elect Dems to Senate to Protect Reproductive Health
Op-Ed by State Sen. Andrea Stewart-Cousins
In 1970, three years before the national Roe v. Wade decision, New York State decriminalized abortion. This historic accomplishment...
Th e Politics of Roe v. Wade In New York State
By Dan Murphy
The recent nomination by President Donald Trump of Bret Cavanagh to become the next U.S. Supreme Court justice has sparked an outcry...
Latimer & County Hope to Stop Trucks on Hutch, Saw...
By Dan Murphy
A growing problem on the Westchester parkways over the years has been the 18-wheel truck, whose driver isn’t experienced enough to realize...
Medicaid Home Care In New York State
A recent AARP survey found that 87 percent of adults age 65 and older wish to remain at home as they age. When physical...