Two New Members of Congress Hail from Westchester
Sean Kasten
By Dan Murphy
Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez
Term Limits and the Race for Mayor 2019
Republican City Councilman Anthony Merante
By Dan Murphy
former Council President Chuck...
McGrath Re-Appointed Yonkers Inspector General
Yonkers Inspector General Brendan McGrath
Brendan McGrath has been reappointed by
Mayor Mike Spano as inspector general for the...
Term Limits: The Saga Continues
A petition is being circulated to force a referendum on the ballot next November concerning amending term limits.
Councilwoman Corazon Helps Families Get Home for Holiday
By Dan Murphy
City Councilwoman Corazon Pineda-Isaac with St. Joseph’s Medical...
Palisades Prep Hoop Preview
Members of the Palisades Prep Phoenix basketball team
By Dan Murphy
Vigil Held for Jonathan Maldonado
Friends and family of Jonathan Maldonado at a candlelight vigil held on the first anniversary of his death.
YFD Rescues Cat from Fire
Yonkers firefighter Bruce Santos with the black cat that survived a fire at 45 Kathwood Road.
Chabad of Yonkers Presents The Miracle of Chanukah
Photo by Robert Kalfus. The Yonkers Chanukah car caravan leaves City Hall.
By Robert Kalfus
Hospice of Westchester Hosts Tree of Life Reception
L-R: Grand sponsor William F. Flooks Jr. of Beecher Flooks Funeral Home; grand sponsor and board member Charles Trainor; sponsor...