Cancer Support Team knew they had to do something this year to raise greatly needed funds. With the pandemic, CST had to cancel not only their spring gala but the annual fall educational luncheon as well.
“We were unsure about holding a virtual event; so, we did a lot of research,” says Sue Formato, Bronxville resident and development committee member. “Educating the public about cancer breakthroughs is part of our mission” adds Scarsdale’s Bonnie Gould, CST Board Chair. “However, we also needed to explain what Cancer Support Team does for the Westchester community and why everyone should donate.”
CST decided to produce a telethon-style event. This included interviews with two world- renowned researcher/oncologists, Dr. Elizabeth Comen from Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center and Dr. Richard Carvajal from the Columbia University Herbert Irving Comprehensive Cancer Center. They discussed cancer treatments today and in the future.
“Any good telethon also includes videos highlighting what the agency does,” notes Tania Weiss, CST’s executive director. “The staff helped me find compelling stories that really showed CST in action – educating patients, helping them learn how to handle chemo side effects, finding wigs, arranging travel to treatment, filling out Medicaid applications.”
Interweaving pre-taped interviews, videos and patient testimonials with “live” segments that featured staff members manning the phones as well as a thermometer and scrolling wall of donor names completed the program. “We set a high goal for the night, and prayed,” says Phil Orlando, an advisory board member and one of the co-hosts of the night. “We were thrilled when we hit our goal just seconds before going off the air,” adds Weiss, the other co-host.
Cancer Support Team has been assisting cancer patients and their families since 1978. All their services are provided at no cost to individuals who live in southern Westchester county. CST is able to this because of grants, foundation support and individual donors. Additional donations can be made by visiting the CST website at www.cancersupportteam.org.