Bowman Criticizes Latimer for “Fundraising with Racist MAGA Republicans”

By Dan Murphy

Congressman Jamaal Bowman recently called out his democratic opponent, George Latimer, for an upcoming fundraiser to be hosted by two republicans. Steve Louro, CEO of a Long Island insurance company, is co-hosting the event at an Armonk home of another republican on May 16.

Louro has already donated $5,000 to Latimer. In his invite. Louro writes, “Help me defeat the squad. Fundraiser to support George Latimer for Congress. I am an American first, a republican second, and I cross political party lines when it is in the best interests of our country.

“I repectfully ask for you to support and attend a fundraiser in Armonk on May 16 at the home of name withheld, who is also a republican, to support Westchester County Executive George Latimer, in his democratic congressional primary race, District 16, against Congressional incumbent, squad member and radical Jamaal Bowman.” -end of invite

We have withheld the name of the republican who will be hosting the fundraiser, because he had told others in the media that he has been getting “violent threats.”

Bowman posted on Instagram, “This is what we’ve been saying. Republicans are bankrolling my opponent to buy this seat from the people of New York-16. The latest republican is Steve Louro, a top republican donor to Donald Trump and a top republican donor to Lee Zeldin, two people who want to end Roe v. Wade and have said it out loud. Two people who are racist MAGA Republicans who supported the insurrection and the attack on the US Capitol.

“Racist MAGA republicans is who my opponent is partnering with. In Steve Louro’s email he says vote George Latimer on June 25. No shame, no dignity, no integrity, no character. Partnering with AIPAC and racists MAGA republicans. running as a Trump democrat, as a MAGA democrat. Shame! Are we going to let them buy this seat? Absolutely not. We are fighting to save democracy and we are not going to let racist, MAGA republicans buy this seat,” said Bowman. Similar accusations were made against the Latimer campaign when Larchmont resident and repubican Alex Dubitsky and his wife co-hosted a fundraiser at their home.

The Latimer campaign recently posted in response to the Louro invitation, “Louro may be attending, we don’t know beyond what he has posted here, and we have no control over who our hosts invite.”