Smerconish Would be a Good Choice and Would be Fair After Second Credible Appearance on Tucker

I like to watch ALL of the Cable TV news shows, including Rachel Maddow (on Monday’s only now), Morning Joe, Tucker Carlson and Anderson Cooper. Unfortunately, that is the only way to truly be “fair and balanced,” to watch them all.
Two years ago, I watched Tony Bobulinski on Tucker Carlson, a few weeks before the 2020 Election. And let me remind my readers, I did not vote for Trump, either in 2016 or 2020. Nor did I vote for Hillary in 2016 or Biden in 2020. I voted third party both times.
I found Bobulinski to be credible in 2020, and I wondered why nobody in the mainstream media came out to interview him, and challenge his assertions, which were that he worked with Hunter Biden on lobbying projects around the globe, and how they collected millions of dollars, and a cut for Joe Biden.
Bobulinski returned to Fox, and Tucker, on Oct. 5. He reiterated many of the same claims he made two years ago, with a little more detail, including more on the FBI interviewing him for five hours, and that Joe Biden’s brother, Jim, called him during the FBI interview.
I had the same takeaway that I did two years ago. I found Bobulinski to be credible and believable. But I cannot be sure that his claims of email evidence, phone and text messages between him and Hunter actually exist.
As I watched the interview live on Oct 5, I wondered what the response would be from the mainstream media the following day. I found nothing, because almost no media outlet picked up the story or challenged Bobulinski’s claims.
The Washington Post reported that a leak from the Department of Justice -FBI claims that they have enough evidence to file criminal charges against Hunter Biden. But no media discussion about Bobulinski except on the right wing media.
So in order for me, and many americans wondering if Bobulinski is to be believed, another interview must be conducted. By a reputable source. And if Bobulinski is being advised not to sit for an interview with CNN, or 60 Minutes, or MSNBC, he is not receiving sound counsel.
Perhaps the best chance that Bobulinski would have at getting a fair shake, and having the difficult questions posed to him that are required for him to be believed would be Michael Smerconish.
Smerconish, who has a CNN show on Saturday, and a daily show on Sirius-XM, prides himself on sitting in the middle of the american media and american politics. He has also watched Bobulinski and is interested and intrigued by the claims he makes.
Smerconish has had a discussion with Bobulinski in the past about coming on his Sirius show, but he refused. On a recent show, Smerconish said that while watching the second Bobulinski interview on Tucker, he texted Bobulinski again asking for the interview.
That interview, in our view, is vital, for a majority of the american people to believe Bobulinski and for the country to move on once and for all, concerning all of the allegations made against Hunter Biden, and his father, the President of the United States.
Is it all nonsense? Or is it real? I want to know the answer and I ask Tony Bobulinski to sit in the interview chair with Smerconish and lets find out the truth.